The Nature of Compassion and the Nature Of Hope
Compassion is something that people seek and try to offer but far too often is replaced instead with judgment on what is thought to be known of a person based on appearance of a person and what is thought should be normal for a person in a given situation. It is human to judge and to try to make others fit into your little box. It is also human to worry about those that are within your inner circle- this is called a monkeysphere.
On a brief tangent, let me explain the monkeysphere. The monkeysphere is also known as Dunbar’s number. It is a suggested cognitive limit to the number of people a person can have stable social relationships with. Basically, it is the number of people that you can interact with without strict boundaries, such as laws and rules, to guide the interaction and keep it together. It also dictates on how many people you care about, how many people you can feel compassion for in their given situation.
Now, that being covered, back to the subject at hand. It is human to feel compassion and care for only those you deem worthy because they fit into your box of what is right, normal, or fitting, and also because of your inner circle of people that you interact with often. This is where you must expand beyond your comfort zone and step outside of the box. This is where you must see how all people can benefit from compassion, where you can see how compassion is necessary for all. We must think outside of our box or monkeysphere, to see how we can help others and how we can bring light to their lives.
Compassion is never an easy path to walk, because of the empathy that is needed. Empathy is where you feel another’s pain and suffering. With compassion, empathy is necessary to truly be compassionate. Empathy, however, can lead to a great deal of pain and sorrow within yourself and feelings of hopelessness. But do not give up. Compassion can go a long way, even if it is just one person a day or two people. It can open doors and sow seeds that will not be forgotten and can bring joy, hope, and love to another person, even briefly.
The nature of compassion is sympathetic and concerned for another person’s or people’s suffering or sorrows. It is a nature all of us possess but we often limit this nature, as we do with mercy, to only those we feel that are deserving. Some feel that if a poor person does not match their idea of poverty, then they are undeserving of any type of aid, or are lazy. If a girl is pregnant, without knowing her circumstances, she is told that she is horrible, worthless, and should have kept her legs closed. Even in cases of abuse and rape, male and female alike are blamed and told that they did something to deserve it or that it is their fault or they should have fought, or been stronger.
Why Does Anger, Hurt, and Sorrow Define Us ?
All of these instances lack compassion for our fellow person and are malicious towards them. To judge a person so harshly, to put yourself in a position over another person, because of circumstances beyond their control or possibly bad decisions, or because another dehumanized them and hurt them, is wrong. When this is done, the sorrows and trials are contributed to and expounded upon. That is not right and not the nature of compassion. It is not the nature of love or the nature of mercy.
Compassion does not demand answers for why a person is poor or judge them for dressing a certain way when they are asking for help. Compassion just recognizes the need for help, the need love, the need for reassurance, and then freely gives it. Compassion reaches a hand out, helping a person to their feet, and expecting nothing in return. Compassion is a pure expression of love and goes far beyond our comfort zone.
Compassion is not an easy path, anymore than loving your enemies, or forgiving a person, or showing mercy, or having hope in the face of darkness, or faith when the storms are raging. All of these are matters of the spirit, and the spirit affects all of who we are. It is a narrow path to walk, and one that is often filled with sorrow, if not for your fellow man, then for the fact that you cannot do more. Compassion reaches out in love and often mercy, and those doors are opened with hope and faith. Forgiveness is the key to all of these and they all always go hand in hand.
This is the conclusion of these essays. I hope they have helped you in some way, even if your beliefs differ slightly or a great deal from what is presented in this. I hope that you whom are reading this, know that you are loved and that you are irreplaceable. If you are having a hard time, it will get better in time. Thank you for reading my writings and please pass them on to others that may need them.
The Nature of Hope
“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three..”
1 Corinthians 13:13
The archaic definition of hope, according to dictionary.com, is “a feeling of trust.” Like in my previous writing, “The Nature of Faith,” hope and trust go together. When you feel faith, you feel hope and have trust that whatever is going on will get better when talking about the storms of life. With a feeling of hope, you trust it will get better, and then belief is faith in action, either through prayer or thoughts. Hope, as with faith, you have no concrete evidence that it will get better but you trust it will.
In Greek mythology, a girl named Pandora is given a box by the gods. She is told not to open it because it will unleash terrible things into the world. Her curiosity, as always happens in these tales, gets the best of her and she opens the box. What she unleashes is famine, poverty, death, and many other nasty things. Once they are gone, she looks in the bottom of the box to see if anything is left. At the bottom, a tiny winged creature is there, beaten, trodden, but still alive and still shining, if somewhat dimly.
The thing about hope is that it is hard to kill. If a person has hope left and nothing else, then it is so hard to kill and can utterly destroy that person if it is killed. There are so many things hoped for ourselves and we may not seem them in this life- but, because of our hope, because of what doors it opens on the spiritual plane, our children or our grandchildren may see the fruition of that hope. Hope can be beaten, down trodden, but it is always there, shining a light. Regardless of how small that light, it can still penetrate the darkness. That is the essence of hope- a light in the darkness.
Judging Myself in the Light of My First Love
When we reach out to another person, whether it be through the giving of alms, a kind word, a smile, offering a hand with someone’s luggage or groceries, we are offering hope. When we stand with our brothers and sisters against social injustices, against evil, against the darkness, we are offering hope. When we forgive and when we love, we are offering hope. By these offerings of hope, we are softening the terrain that we are trying to plant in, we are sowing seeds of hope, or we are watering previous seeds that have been placed there already by another person along the way. This is the nature of hope; to offer light in the darkness and to soften hard, rock terrain, or to sow seeds, or to water the seeds.
Hope, in its very nature, is a light unto humankind. That’s why we can’t allow it to be hidden, can’t allow it to be extinguished. It is not just for ourselves and our generation, but for the future of our children and their generation and the generations that will follow. Hope is what enables people to work together and to make huge changes; hope for a better life for others, hope for social justice, equality and it opens the doors to love, as does faith.
Let me finish the quote from above; “And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love,”
1 Corinthians 13:13. The greatest of these is love; the other two open the door for love, and then love rains down upon all, encouraging more change, more hope, more faith. It is a circle that is beautiful! But it MUST start with hope. It must start with the smallest light, into the darkness.
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