Exodus 20: Honor-Summarizing the 10 Commandments

Exodus 20: Honor and Summary of the 10 Commandments

HONOR is the archetype of all virtue & DISHONOR is the seed of all sin. The 10 Commandments in Exodus 20 could very well be thus summarized: 


(God is “one” [this “one” in Hebrew is “echad”: compound unity]. Jesus said, “He who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.” )


(Honor nature for what it is. Behold the glory of creation in awe, but know it’s only creation & we’re creatures: God is the CREATOR. Do not worship creation, worship the Creator.)


(No blasphemy/ Don’t invoke God’s name to justify sin. In denying the conviction of the Spirit to repent from sin and follow Jesus, one commits the unforgivable sin. To deem the Holy Spirit as useless, or a rather bad hindrance to the good pleasures of ones life; to go so far as to consider the Holy Spirit evil, and thus deny Him the fruit of His labor to bring you to repentance, is unforgivable. Cursing Gods name and mocking Christ can be forgiven, but outright and resolutely denying Jesus with no change of mind, is unforgivable. There will be no mercy for you here or in the hereafter. You wanted a life minus Him, and He will grant it to you in the perpetual living death of outer darkness: hell, the trash heap of the cosmos; for He is life and everyone who hates Him loves death. You considered the conviction of the Holy Spirit to be trash but will find yourself upon the stinking, smoldering heap yourself.)


(Honor God’s preeminence as Creator by working 6 days: Sunday – Friday, and resting from dusk Friday-dusk Saturday: not economizing, buying and selling, or even lighting fires and cooking out. To eat foods not requiring cooking or to prepare food ahead of Sabbath is ideal, so that the day may be truly saturated in a divine contemplation and the delight in the community of Christ . Detach from the work-a-day world. Fellowship with a group of Godward minded people. Rejoice in truth together. Rejoice in the greater realities beyond this shadowland, which aren’t money, buying and selling, and rushing about.)


(Honor them as conduits of God’s authority in your life and as life-givers; realize, parenthood is not limited to biological relationship. Someone, somewhere, is serving as a parental influence over you. They might not be perfect, but they should be honored. Every president rules over a nation of familes (families are mini-nations within a nation) and broken families. No nation will rise above the quality of it’s citizens. It is fathers and mothers which preside over the future citizens. If the government of homes (the institution of family), presided over by a mother and father by design, are dishonorable, then that nation as a whole will be dishonorable. The destiny of nations rise and fall over whether parents preside over the small countries in their care well. If they diligently teach their children this law of God, and those children honor it, a nation will be great with good citizens, it’s government lean and strong, and God will be glorified.)


(Do not defile the earth with murder; he who is inclined to shed innocent blood must be blotted out, and those that slay him will be innocent of his blood; do not abort baby’s simply so you may go out and enjoy more sex and more party’s.)

Compassion and the Nature of Hope


(No adultery; no sex before marriage; no homosexuality; no bestiality. In God’s eyes marriage only exists between a male and female in covenant to fidelity before Him; therefore, addressing “gay marriage” is pointless, for it does not exist.)


(Do not steal. This is also to respect a mans honest work, for the fruits of his labor are his possessions.)


(Do not lie; don’t bribe people to tip the scales; don’t take a bribe to tip scales; don’t deal kindly with a nice rich man and poorly with a poor dirty man. Be fair. Have a fair scale in all life’s measurements. Do not show partiality/favoritism.)


(Honor your reality for what it is. Be content. Don’t covet other peoples things. Honor their work ethic and the fruit of their labor, and be challenged to bear such fruit in your life, but don’t grumble incessantly over the unfairness of their many beautiful things and your few stinking things- lusting for their house, car, wife, and other things.

Accept the fact you are where you are and move on from there to higher ground. Lusting all day over everything, and being jealous of everyone else’s stuff precedes nearly every sin: Envying pagans we would turn to idols. Coveting godhood, we blaspheme the Lord; Lusting for more money we shatter the Sabbath and work maniacally for ever more. Discontent with our parents decrees and their authority, we rebel, and learn they knew well after all, in the end. Lusting for what other’s have, or merely driven with bloodlust and a pulse for power and domination, murder is committed. Coveting another mans wife, and dishonoring his vows, adultery occurs. Coveting the fruit of another mans labor, discontent with their own, people steal. If nothing on the list slays you, covetousness will, because you can do it without anyone seeing, except God.

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Prayer: I beg you Lord, that you would do this great work that only you can do. By you loving-kindess and for your name sake do it Father- not because of our righteousness but because of your faithfulness, because you hear us. Be magnified in us Lord, whether by life or death. You are our confidence. Keep our feet from being taken from all fear and vanity.

Chase London Ray

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