The ideal Job Seeker daily routine list in my personal opinion, One thing that will get you through anything is persistence. 11 steps forward daily
1. Wake up/ breakfast/ shower.
2. 30-60 minutes exercise.
3. Go to a quiet space at home, public library, or any place that has WiFi.
4. 90 minutes CV/Resume improvement, or keyword tailoring for online job applications (ATS)
5. 1 hour of LinkedIn activity, to enhance visibility (like, comment, share, like comments of others).
6. 1 hour lunch break.
7. 2-3 hours job search via LInkedIn Jobs, Indeed, Nairaland Job/Vacancies,
#ProjectHelpYouGrow and other job sites.
3 ways to get closer to HIRING MANAGERS on LinkedIn:
- 1. By connection.
2. By connection referral.
3. By introduction.
Life is Hard but We have to Stop Running
The more directly you can route your CV/Resume to a hiring manager, the better your chances of getting a job.
If you need a referral/introduction from somebody be very SPECIFIC. Ie. Company name, location, dept, and/or person are ESSENTIAL.
In Life, it’s not just a question of who YOU know; it’s a question of who others know too!
NETWORK constructively!
8. 1 hour skills improvement via LinkedIn Learning and other online courses.
9. 30 minute walk.
10. 1 hour interview prep: writing responses to sample competency-based interview questions, transferable skills identification, and C.A.R. technique.
11. 30-60 minutes of LinkedIn networking.
End of Job Seeking “Work” Day.
As a job seeker your 9-6 day should look something like this, because Job Search is your full-time job until you find one!
Human beings thrive on structure and routine. If you want to find a job you need to have a strategy, discipline and determination. Effort + Perseverance = SUCCESS!
Tips On How to Improve Your Mind For General Calmness
12 things that make you HIREABLE:
1. Relevant work experience.
2. Strong, transferable skills.
3. Long-term potential.
4. Emotional intelligence.
5. Initiative and enthusiasm.
6. Ability to work with others.
7. Creative problem-solving.
8. Ability to generate and maintain revenues.
9. Multi-taskers who thrive on a variety of projects.
10. Good cultural fit.
11. Impressive CV/Resume.
12. Strong technical skills.
8 reasons why you will get HIRED:
1. You were focused in your job search.
2. You had excellent CV/Profile presentation.
3. You understood ATS and dealt with it.
4. You networked.
5. You only applied for jobs you were qualified for.
6. You prepped for and performed well in interviews.
7. You sought professional guidance when things just weren’t working for you.
8. You were responsible and accountable for your own diligence throughout the process.
9. Being at the right place at the right time
Focus on what YOU do in trying to find your next position. Blaming ATS, Recruiters, Hiring Managers will not get you a pay check. If you can’t change the status quo, ADAPT to it!
Kirsty Bonner on LinkedIn
Thanks and God bless
2k Aloysius. Goodluck to you
great one, you have our prayers
Hello Aloy. I also wish the best and hope you find other job tips on this blog helpful
Thank you so much for this wonderful piece.
I greatly appreciate the time and effort you expended in putting this together.I hope to follow in your advice while applying for a job in this company i have been longing to work with after this my internship…
Thank you for the career advice!I hope to follow in your footsteps wile applying for a job in this company i have been longing to work with after this my internship…
Thank you so much for this wonderful piece.
I greatly appreciate the time and effort you expended in putting this together.I hope to follow in your footsteps while applying for a job in this company i have been longing to work with after this my internship…