Be Motivated – Life is Hard but We have to Stop Running

analyse your problem, Motivational - Life is Hard but We have to Stop Running

Don’t limit your strengths by the thought that Life is hard, Analyse your fears and stop running 

Life is Hard but Someday We Have to Stop Running, yeah, Life is tough and with so many failures. But you have to stop and analyse your problem. During this analysis, you realize there’s always a way out. You also realize you have what it takes, just start with self analysis. Then – the next is analysis of the problem. Until you face your fears, you will keep running.

Note that You are stronger and wiser than you think. Don’t limit your strengths by your thought. Life  is hard but full of joy and similarly full of failures, so we just have to find out the way on how to turn the failures into success, There is no problem on the earth which has no solution, But we have to keep our wits and nerves intact, Challenges make us evolve stronger and wiser such that until we’ve change our mindset, we’d never now what we’ve got if we don’t try


Running away never solves the problem, till one stands and face their fears and problems, they’ll keep running and staring, Having the right mindset can make the difference between success and failure. We can really surprise ourselves, why not face the fears and build the courage and see that the only barrier is the brevity for you face to them.

Favor your particular skills. change the rules you can, Play only games you can win, “You have to learn the rules of the game and play it better than anyone else.” — Albert Einstein. Life is a heavy category, do your best, you need to stand your ground and continue to stay strong. Everything we’ve ever wanted is always on the other side of the fear gripping us

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The fearful never wins. face your challenge and you will overcome, It’s not about how big you are, but about the size of the fight in you, It’s all only but a mindset game,  don’t always limit your strengths with your own mindset. Enjoy yourself, there should be no limit in having fun

I love crows and jackdaws and I observed in nature that both are extremely intelligent and quick in the way they figure out a quick solution and act on it. City birds are highly underrated. They’re street players so they’re very street smart and do always win.

What we think, we become. Our thoughts depends upon the surroundings. Anyhow, We have to manage ourselves to be with good people. sometimes the only ones beside us are the broken and stressed too, But we have to deal with stressful people from time to time in this race so our mind could resist! Like vaccines!

Yeah, you’re right. Life is Hard but We should someday have to STOP running and win over it

Renting space in your own brain is the definition of suffering.

When fear and anxiety have rooted themselves so deep within you that your ideas, creativity and hope have to rent space in your mind to exist, you know that you have to make a change.

As fear starts to dominate the options that a person has in life usually start to diminish.

Without options, the problems of a person’s life become harder to resolve and tend to occur more frequently and more severely.

This state of living leads to one of two roads.

Motivation or desperation.

Those who get motivated go into fight mode.

Those that fall into desperation fall to their knees.

People who make it out of situations like this don’t make it out because of luck.

They make it out due to consistent effort, faith and resourcefulness.

The only things that guarantee that your life remains a disaster is a love for pride, submission to fear, enjoying the taste of comforting lies and putting your trust in the wrong people.

If you’re living in pain right now. Know this.
A lot can change in 24 hours if you want it bad enough.

What to do when you get Ghosted by a Potential Employer


  1. A lot can really change in 24 hours. I was so down last week regarding money issues and just at the 11th hour, something good came through. I least expected it and had to believe in the virtue of patience.

    Sometimes, it’s almost like nothing is working out, giving up is the best option but the truth is pushing on is the right option because at the end of it all you will be glad you kept moving despite all.

  2. Yes that the fact being a son with no father my uncles hate me so much they dnt want to help out I struggle so much with my Mon to train my junior brother things became worse I have to drop school and let him continue but I neva allow those things to affect me I always make sure my mom smile I starve as the first born for my mom and brother to eat I plan to travel out after doing my passport no money to continue with the papers I continued life without thinking much of the past my joy is my mom and my little brother but I no one day I will get there so I keep motivating my self and making sure all went we’ll

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