At what age do we figure out life?
– So many people think that by some age .. 18, 22, 30, that they have to have their lives ” figured out.” but you can’t define anything with your age, Imagine how boring life would be if it were predictable, People need to change their mindsets towards “figuring out” and stop confusing it with “indecisiveness”.
Does the term “figure out life” have a perfect timing?
– Makes no sense. Figuring it out is a forever game – it never ends and it constantly changes depending on the circumstances at hand! It’s not about figuring out who you are….it’s about the journey. Enjoy the journey, and always be striving to better your life. Move the ceiling higher.
Show me someone who has it all figured out, and then show me someone who does not, I do not believe we will find much difference. That’s why poker is such as great game – we all know the odds but cannot predict the outcomes (we are humans around other humans who live next to other humans).
What are the goals in your life?
We’ve been doing it since we were born (some might say earlier, but we won’t go there right now) whether we were conscious of it or not. Once you understand that, you can consciously create how you want your life to look, Whoever told you (parent, uncle, teacher, coach, friend, sibling, neighbor, cousin, the janitor at your school, etc) that you have to have everything figured out by a certain age — they were wrong. Life is a long journey, and every day you learn something new. Every day there is always something new to figure out. Live your life one day at a time, and enjoy the ride.
It does make me laugh, when people have it in their head that by x age they must accomplish xyz…. in my experience life doesn’t work that way… curve balls appear and random situations take over that can steer us off track and it can take a time to get back on track…and really who care ab out age? Like oprah says ‘why would we allow numbers to define us?’
How to find your purpose and passion in life
Self-audit is the single most powerful trait anyone needs in order pivot towards success. Uncover those strengths & then go out there and crush it with those natural abilities. Decipher what those weaknesses mean, and figure out contexts in our your own life to turn them into strengths.
People think conditions have to be right to make a change, change is gradual or abrupt, it’s you who chooses which. It won’t be better, easier or perfect when x, y or z is in place. Stop making excuses and start taking steps in the right direction. Nowadays how people figure it is based on the car you drive, company or position. Seems like as humans, we are running without a proper direction in other word living a life for someone else but mind you, It’s you and no one else!
The root agent of all our fixed mindsets is in the way we identify, define and use…objects. Immediately, we see relations between objects, that due to object’s perceived “rigidity” , become also…static. And we start to expect them, and we end up mostly disappointed. Than we take the static relations and we project them in a motionless picture- the context. Than we pretend we “know” it. And we multiply this exponentially, with every feeling, thought and belief. Than we wonder we could not… predict it. Life is all about that. Hitting by the unexpected stuff, experimenting with it, failing a bunch of times and finally growing out of that.
How to do what you want in life ?
It’s worth mentioning that many people will inevitably try to follow a specified methods and deep down want to create the same impact as their ideal idol and the same wealth.
We have to be realistic and understand what worked with A is not going to be replicated in our lives. A wasn’t guided by some magic book, his ‘circumstances at hand’ gave him doors. Doors that he had to close and open, like any other person.
Personal goals examples
Perhaps the best way to look at this is, would you be happy to spend the next 10 years double downing, no parties, no weekends, not worries about style or fashion, perfecting a craft, building a business, lose some friends, disagree with family to be at a place where A used to be? NOT WHERE HE IS NOW NOR WHERE IS WILL BE IN THE SAME 10 YEARS YOUR PUTTING IN?
Likely chances are the answer is no, why? Because people want it now. Most definitely we should put in the work and yield results but play the cards that are being dealt in a way that opens doors to our own goals. In the future the world still needs to look up to someone. No one is immortal. Start creating a path to be that person.
Don’t get sucked into false narratives and fake imagery from social media or any other outlet. Get diversified, find happiness, and buckle in for the long ride. Anyone that tried to get rich quick, most likely will stay poor for a long time. Also marriage, kids etc… it’s a different time period. Relax, take a breath. Focus on the best version of you. The only constant is we all have to work after college. Make it count, but it is no race. Do not compare yourself to others your age or not. Breathe, calm, focus, win at life in the long game
Moving on from a Terrible Past – How to Create a Great Future
We tend to sometimes look forward to end-results or moments of success/tranquility to hold onto forever; without realizing that the path is extremely long and it is better to focus and value the things we learn/experience along the way. It just a matter of not letting your emotions and pride get the best of you.
People change, our priorities change and we need to adapt to be our best selves! As long as we strive to become marginally better each day, we’ll “figure it out” at check points each day. Understanding today’s “figuring it out” may be different than tomorrow’s! Forge on. One of the signs of wisdom is finally grasping that you’ll never have it all figured out. Life is a process, a constant evolution based on our own choices and environments. There’s always something new to learn, another area of growth to achieve.
“Figuring it out is a forever game – it never ends and it constantly changes depending on the circumstances at hand!” is more profound than most people might think. A 27-year old is NOT the same person as 47-year old who is NOT the same person as 67-year old – ever, Life is a journey with many roads to travel on. We need to navigate and choose the best road to reach our destination or destinations. Detours are a part of life too. But as long as they don’t take you to a dead end. Even then we can navigate to get back on the right road to success and fulfillment.
Types of goals
Life would be so boring if you figured one thing out and that’s it! Each achievement is just the starting point for the next. And no matter how challenging it seems, everything is figure-out-able, You only need to have drive self confidence and the ability to keep learning . You first must know who you really are then go for it. It only becomes too late when you are dead. And you only can fail if you give up, figuring out life is not an age bound process…..it is a continuous process. Here important is, we need to learn something everyday.
As David Bowie said “Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.” Life is not a game that you can win at once. Rather it is game where your ultimate goal is to survive till the very end. To embrace and tackle all the failures and have fun during the small and big wins.
Be Motivated – Life is Hard but We have to Stop Running
The real Col. Sanders was an entrepreneur who didn’t become a professional chef until he was 40, didn’t franchise Kentucky Fried Chicken until he was 62, and didn’t become an icon until after he sold his company at 75. At the end of your life do you want to be remembered for what you did or who you were?
Living your life without imprisoning conditions is Living your life. Whether you are CEO of a company or whatever kind of employment your in . If you are still trying to figure it out its because you’re lucky to still be alive . When you think you’ve got it figured out , you’re probably dead or going to be dead soon … Whats the point then – . Those who take control of their destiny and row their boat well early on with absolute morals find success sooner or later.
Steps for setting goals
- Just be ready to be open minded every day with the essence of mindfulness every day.
- Consistency matters
- doing matters
The great thing about life is that everyone is on their own journey going at their own pace; some people may be getting married, buying a house, having kids. It’s okay if you haven’t done any of that. Enjoy the journey and embrace the challenges that come your way.
Lol… this post made me remember when I thought there was a certain age to get my life all figured out. I have learnt over time that it is a gradual process and it takes patience and time to keep pushing while figuring the life each day.
Consistency indeed matters. Quitters lose.