Deserving a Fair and Another Chance to Try Again

Deserving a Fair and Another Chance to Try Again

Believing in giving people a fair chance they deserve

This is a very sensitive concept. Here the question arises: Another chance to make up and impress?

None of us are perfect. As human beings, we make mistakes; some of a trivial nature, some a lot more significant. But we make them. And sometimes these mistakes affect other people and we have to ask for their forgiveness. But what happens if someone else makes a mistake that affects us, and we have to decide whether to give them a second chance? This question is a difficult one to answer… You should always think from both the ends

– How do we make sure that we offer everyone a fair chance? How do we define fairness, who is everyone and what chance are we going to give them?

Deserving a Fair and Another Chance to Try Again

Fairness means more than equity and we have to take people’s differences in account as no 2 individuals are same. Equity ensures that all individuals are provided resources they need to have access to the same opportunities. Even if we make all the reasonable effort to give everyone the same opportunity sometimes we cannot and therefore a different or tailored treatment is a surer path to fairness.

Giving a fair chance may not be an issue, Giving second chance is far more important, remember you aren’t only giving them to that person,  you are giving the world.

Yes – You provided shelter to someone until they were able to provide shelter to themselves. Someone finding the ability to help themselves doesn’t make them a disappointment.

 Things You Can Do to be Kind to Others

– “Messing up” is part of the learning process. Everyone makes mistakes and it’s how leaders respond to that that truly matters. I don’t call it “messing up” I call it “learning the way not to do something.” Mind you, someone learning something doesn’t make them a disappointment.

I know your aim was to be positive and to say that despite these things you’ve given chances anyway, but I am hoping that giving you another way to think about it will help you re-frame your thoughts and believe that you give people multiple chances because they deserve the opportunity to find a way to care for themselves and they deserve the opportunity to learn. Everyone deserves these things.

People should be given the opportunities to express themselves so that they can give their positives and contribute to the society. A fair society must support people, these same people who have been helped will produce new opportunities for others, thus a society can thrive.

Counting Age and Limiting Self

Many fail to remember the opportunity/fair chance someone once extended to them. I am a firm believer that our creator will continue to bless us beyond imagination if we remain humble and extend opportunities to others. People who are getting those chances should respect and appreciate the people who gave them opportunity

Not all people will take advantage of the opportunity, and some may not have the experience or the necessary skills to meet the demands placed on them. Everyone deserves at least one chance, now depending on what they do with that chance should determine if they get more. However, even in failure, there is an opportunity. If we fail, we learn a lot about ourselves. We get to choose our path. Do we double-down and increase our effort of self-improvement? Or, do we find a different career path that is better suited to our skill level?

Every person deserves to be treated fairly and given a chance. And the vast majority even deserves to be treated nicely especially when they messed up. ???? ?????? ???’? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ??? ???.
Something happens that upsets them and then things go wrong. Most people do not like that ??? ???? ??? ?? ?? ????? ??? ??????.

However, a person must also be aware that giving a fair chance is not always a one time event, sometimes it takes a person doing something over a few times to get it right. Therefore when it comes to giving a fair chance to others, a person must be patient as well.

By giving chance to other people we simply give a second one to ourselves. Nobody fails. It may be hard to learn or put something into practice but it is only supporting and believing in other people’s abilities that improvement in everyone takes place. The impact of success after the fair chance will be more and will give them the power and hope to drive up more and more.

Indian Amitabh Bachchan, star of the century, in his first seven movies performed disastrous at box office, still someone gave him another deserved chance and today everyone knows him as a symbol of an era of acting. ‘Deserve’ again is a matter of individual judgement on others. And it is widely spread that judging a person is easier than knowing or understanding.

The Nature of Judgement, Forgiveness, Love and Mercy

We all deserve a second chance (or a third, a fourth, etc.) It doesn’t matter why, just help someone another time…. Nobody wants to fail on purpose… Most people fail because they tried, We owe the world everything, hence rightly each of us needs to practice the virtuous cycle of giving back and contribute in the success of others. On the other hand we know the world is not fair always. Most of us have experienced that the best way to get what we needed was to make it happen ourselves .

100% of the time. But within reason so the question is how long is the “probation period” to establish whether or not somebody is suited to the task at hand? as a fish takes to water far faster than a cat and you rightfully know that by nature a cat will never enjoy being in water. Everybody may not be given a fair chance but everybody can take a fair chance by crossing the self imposed boundary. Sadly, some people who are given chances over and over, out of kindness, mistake this kindness for stupidity.

The truth is whether a chance is fair or deserving will play out later after it is given because these criteria are dependent on a whole lot of subjective factors, some of which may even occur in the future and we cannot have a sight of that.

Always, find a way, the result will be great, as the lesson is also to the teacher

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