Unending Era of Domestic Violence against Less Privileged Children

Era of Domestic Violence

Women undoubtedly play important roles in our everyday lives,  mothers, sisters, wives….etc and should be able to speak up against these issues of domestic violence against children (maids and servants) by their fellows.

As professionals, women stand strong because of their inherent capability. We all ought to respect woman and never differentiate them from men.

In today’s world, women are also valued all over the universe as great leaders. with all these respects and regards,  women are truly strong pillars of our everyday world, However, it’s a competitive world and people are smart enough to judge, so you need not have to be man or a woman to get respect and accord same. one must be a good human and have humane potentials

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Women have familiarized themselves to be the special ones and have for long escaped the wrath of their own unfair treatment on even for some against their husbands,

This is a video of a young woman who wickedly locked up a young child in a dog cage after severe whipping as shared by a Facebook user named AllahKaduna Nzeogwu and has generated thousands of shares and comments.


Women supporting each other and respecting each other’s differences and ideas while learning from each other is how they grow stronger together,

But i am sure that except you’re hard hearten, you will not like to promote this absurd wickedness. This happens all the time. It’s just never captured on camera.  like this and other women should raise up their voices against things like this instead of finding a shadowing excuse for such brutality, how many house helps do you know that aren’t maltreated one way or the other by their madams?

This very woman maybe the chief of women shouting against men in domestic violence cases. while in most cases, they are the chief perpetrators of domestic violence and cheer wickedness.

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To be fair, this behavior does not arise from someone’s ethnicity or being a feminist. it is her lack of humanity and conscience. it manifests in in both developed and underdeveloped countries, with US being a ranking member of violent countries of the world, it also can manifest in feminists and subjugate types of women. it is simply wickedness in the heart of man.

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