The Relationship Between Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Attitude
People with a growth mindset believe that they can improve with effort but attitude play a huge role to that growth both mentally and behaviorally.
– IQ (intelligence quotient) says there are 70% chances of FAILURE in this. – Risk determinant
– Attitude says, Give it a try, who knows it will be a great success. – Fear Neutralizer
Sometimes, IQ and attitude can be contrary and with a very thin line between them but in any case, attitude should take precedence over IQ.
This is because, becoming who you want to be depends on who you already are inside. Nothing matters but your willingness to succeed, not your ethnicity, social status, bank account, or your achievements or failure in life either.
Make your voice heard, the louder and more persistent you become for the right course and with the right attitude, the more power you hold.
Respect everyone and when you fail, get back up, apologize and keep going because you will fail often nevertheless, don’t back down from the bullies if they start coming for you, stand your ground. It isn’t their fight. It’s yours, your voice is yours.
The power of hope is eminent too, if you believe you can achieve it, it will be yours. Know you will not always have the answers and that’s okay. No one likes a know-it-all but if you step up every day with the willingness to succeed, and give the Hope this world needs, take risks, live in the moment, you will watch your life transform to become the most beautiful life you can live.
Attitude and having great IQ is likened to the famous Tortoise and Rabbit story. Definitely attitude matters when it comes to team work where combined conducive output is expected, also powerful in determining your ability to maneuver complicated individual differences and situation.
Complaining and negative pointers always spoil the show whether it is personal or relative, working with a more positive mindset is determined by your attitude towards your pursuit and grit, it is this grit and willingness to push forward to become better than what you are despite challenges that boosts that attitude herein because your vision and passion are all that you seek and see.
As Far as You Don’t Give Up, Here is the Next Phase
It’s so inspiring to learn new things about yourself that is unfiltered from the lens of our own thinking such as powerful gut instincts and intuition that is deep inside but we never knew existed. To enter this exploration requires one to cultivate an open mindset through reflection, meditation, and learning from the abundant feedback of experiences with the world and others. To make this a habit will definitely transform your world
The idea is to lose the fixed mindset and adopt that of growth, failure is taken on as ways to learning while fears are seen as challenges. and should not be allowed to cripple or stifle growth. A person with a growth mindset will face fears as challenges with the right attitude to overcome and succeed.
Nothing is done big at first, being able to do the little things cultivates your attitude and mindset to handling bigger responsibilities, you have to be able to be trusted with the little and that’s how to grow, it’s small things that lead to big changes, so every little positive vibe, energy, action or reaction, response or push-back counts.
Obviously, the one guaranteed way to fail is: don’t even try. so If we only do the things that don’t scare us, or wait until they don’t scare us, we won’t do much. plus some things we’ll never even try. There are plenty of folks who have things they want to try, but they hesitate because they are fearful, fearful of failing, they visualize failure rather than success, they see defeat, not victory, so full of the negative attitude and mindset
Attitude is a difference maker. You must have the minimum mental aptitude required, depending on the set, but a negative attitude will prevent an intellectually gifted individual from reaching their fullest potential. It will also likely prevent them being as fulfilled in general
History is replete with examples of great people with great success preceded by numerous failed attempts, the resilient attitude, the vision and the grit was all that pushed them on, being scared and not taking that first step will hold back all of your progress in doing things in life that you set out to accomplish but the wrong attitude will crush both the dream and the dreamer slowly and painstakingly. Have the courage to take that first step with the right attitude moving on and stand up when a fall draws.
You can either cling to certainty and PLAN for a future based on our limited understanding of what is possible… Or, you step into uncertainty and discover opportunities to CREATE the kind of future you want to see by combining your IQ and attitude to work for you.
If we’re serious about creating the future which is an IQ role, we have to move past our limited understanding of “what is,” in order to discover “what could be.” This is now a clear resolve of the right attitude for desired result.
Are we saying that a lovely person (person with the right attitude) with a low IQ is better positioned to be a surgeon? – NO, what we are saying is – your attitude is a conscious decision that only you make. Empowered people’s passion is what motivates their never-relenting pursuit of excellence. Often times it comes down to who wants it more and who will push harder to get what they want. A growth mindset looks for opportunity in practically everything, so that there’s no room for complaints.
Just remember this, “The apple doesn’t fall far away from the mother tree.”
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