Failures and Rejections Make People
Rejection is protection! Everything always happens for a reason and works out always. Even if in that precise moment it doesn’t seem that way, it doesn’t have to mean you aren’t good enough; it often just means the other person failed to notice what you have to offer.
Both Failures and Rejections teach you something – it is sometimes you have to work upon yourselves and very many times it also helps you understand the other person. No matter what – you have to move forward – sometimes to prove yourself and more often to prove others
Don’t take it hard to heart if someone rejects you or even mutes you. People usually reject and ignore expensive things because they can’t afford them, ‘FAILURES’ only happen if you don’t learn from the issue, or move on to success from the issue. The only failure is to not get back up and continue on!
Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don’t fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgement, repeated every day.
Don’t rely on the success stories of people, what you’ll get is the message to intend to send. Read things about failures, you will certainly fine the way to success from it. There is no shame in a sincere fall; the disgrace is compounded by that fear to fail. Do men succeed through success? It will be insane to think that; they much oftener rise through the falls and failures. Precept, study, advice, and example could never have taught them so well as failure did.
Understanding the positives of failures and rejections and humiliation
In this life you will face failure and rejection, Injustice and humiliation,
Embarrassment and disappointment . . .
You will lose all hope and ambition.
The passion inside you will disappear, too
This will make you feel weak and hurt
You will go alone through darkness
You will learn to get back to the light by yourself!
You will learn to live while you struggle
You will learn to rebuild yourself and start again!
Don’t be afraid from this life !
Don’t be afraid from the darkness!
Because they would say “Stars appear in the dark only”
The darkness will let your inner light shine!
Self accountability is literally a life requirement, you shouldn’t only accept rejections and move on, also should try to diagnose what went wrong and why they were rejected and fix it, in marketing, the unsatisfied customer’s feedback is more important than those of satisfied customers. Same in real life.. no matter if its personal or professional rejection.
Though the world generally takes your strength for granted. Life always is a fight for strong people even though fighting is not their passion. In every challenge you face, in every task you must overcome, in every daunting decision no matter how harrowing, you can overcome it!
No need to change yourself for someone or for the sake of acceptance and validation but be reminded that no one’s perfect. We also cant say that the person is totally wrong, so seeing yourself from a different perspective gives you room for improvement. Every bitter will pass .. And smile will come at all costs
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Failure inevitable in life and in my opinion it’s good. I think failure has become too much of a negative word, while it really is great to fail, because you can learn from it. It’s almost like a bow and arrow. In order for the arrow to go where you want it to go, you have to draw it back first before it can shoot towards where you are aiming at. If you miss you adjust and if you hit, you then set a bigger target for yourself.
The truth about failures and How rejections make people like you
Any adversity that does not break you, should make you stronger. We must understand failure as an event and not a person. It brings on the challenge to work harder, acquire more skills and refine our skills, pay attention to details and try again.
A ball goes down but bounces right back up! Life is not a straight line, when your heart flatlines, you are dead, so is life! Embrace, learn and joyfully move on like little innocent children
The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward. When you accept failures and rejections, you learn quickly and then you have no choice, just to improve yourself, try again, go ahead and win
Failure surprisingly can become part of ones journey to greatness and fulfillment. Rejection can sometimes be God saving us from something terrible. It can also be a call for us to work on ourselves and get better. It is important no matter the circumstance to never give up.
Learn from all and never feel bad about a rejection or failure as they should not be a reflection on the individual, as there are so many unknown reasons with in the why, that people will never know. However persistence can pay off, just be aware enough and trust yourself to always know when it is the time to move on. Keep moving forward no matter how small a step it feels.
The wise virtuous one with wisdom of the right measure do not succumb to despondency in the presence of toxic people nor to failures and rejections and retains their sweet disposition and straight forward speech
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