Checklist on the Addiction of Making a Better Self Daily

Checklist on the Addiction of Making a Better Self Daily

Tips On Making A Better Self Everyday

Every day is an opportunity to better yourself, our goals should be to better ourselves to affect positively on humanity. In making a better self, one needs to understand the simple fact that no one is perfect,  identify and accept our flaws so that we can make a conscious effort to improve ourselves. Our careers and drive should be to improve how effective we deliver our jobs; every improvement should be on the positive side.

Self improvement or personal development is so important, it is the ability and desire to be better today than we were yesterday. A desire to grow and learn and the beautiful desire to reach our potential.

Everyday is a new day for us to be a better version of ourselves. No matter what stage of life you find yourself at, there is always new things to learn. When we aim to better ourselves, we open new possibilities of what we can accomplish.

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Often times, it should start with listening, we can people make so much noise that we can’t even hear ourselves think; once you silence yourself and listen to you; the making yourself better in any area of your life gets addressed with a finely tuned plan of how to achieve it. the hardest part is following through, because sometimes to become better requires a great sacrifice and change,

Role of self reflection in making a better self

Self-reflection and self-improvement are essential, the process of peeling back the layers, tearing down the walls, and unloading the baggage collected since childhood can be a little overwhelming, fortunately, the long term results often bring healing, confidence, assurance, and a sense of purpose and one begins to understand the gifts, where fits, and how to make a difference.

“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” ― Ernest Hemingway

If we don’t try to make ourselves better everyday, we will stagnate and go backward. we have to build on this principle to make ourselves better  by at least 1% everyday, it’s a lifelong investment and the best one can make. By continuing to grow and by making oneself better, we’ll notice that it leave a positive impact on our community. So investing in yourself is therefore and definitely not selfish a thing to do, because by making yourself better, you make your community better in a positive way.

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“But what does Socrates say? ‘Just as one person delights in improving his farm and another his horse, so I delight in attending to my own improvement day by day'”. – Epictetus

We truly change things by changing ourselves. It is harder trying to change things one by one or to bring things down to one’s level. It is easier to grow to a level where they no longer become a challenge. The realities are fixed. Just grow to a higher realm. Some possibilities and results come easily at certain realms. Some things will be naturally difficult until a better version of you emerges. Investment in personal development has health benefit, financial benefit, social benefit and every value we crave.

Now here is a checklist to ponder before we take the plunge into addiction for betterment in anything / area of our lives

1 – What activity are we getting better at…

2 – What is the motive behind the addiction… whether obsessive compulsion, paranoia or excellence…. love or fanaticism.

3 – What are the objectives. How will the result affect us personally and the world around us at large.

4 – What or whose yardstick are we measuring the progress or betterment…

5 – Does it make us more humane, humble and grateful or feed our ego/self…. build or destroy us and others.

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Comparing substance addiction to addiction to making a better self

Be mindful of your addiction, observe and to know one self thoroughly is key. unregulated addiction and obsession, even to oneself, is the start of over doing, which means balance out of control. It kills you. Compete with yourself daily, the  idea is just to be a better person today than you were yesterday, Keep improvising your self in whatever you do..

Now, say what you want about those battling substance abuse and addictions (and there are plenty of horrors to speak to), but one thing cannot be denied: when it comes to people who “get it done no matter what it takes,” and consistently reach seemingly impossible goals, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better, more savvy, more resourceful, clever, creative, highly-motivated, laser-focused, determined, battle-tested example than this demo.

It’s truly amazing how they can “get it done” consistently in the face of obstacles and if those skills are applied to a more healthy pursuit (and sometimes they are, post-addiction, and it can be beautiful thing), well, you’ve suddenly got a big winner/keeper on your hands.

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Once truly escaped from addiction, they often turn to those very same skills/experiences to completely turn their life around. It’s a hell of a diploma to earn, but it can teach. other forms of addictions fore sure basically works the same way.

This does not mean one must first go through an unhealthy addiction to have a healthy one as spoken of in this post. Plenty of strong examples of that too.

Once you start a mission which keeps ringing in your mind, you really get addicted to it till you finalize the mission fully with full potential and energy and when it is done, you feel contented and happy with the satisfactory feeling of motivation. The power is within the choice to become better


Improve yourself every day starting from the little things you have to manage. If you feel good or better, the person and people next to you feels your positivism. To be a better person is not only meaning to improve yourself on a daily basis, but also to be helpful and be a great asset to people around you: Being a good member of your family, your team, and your friends.

The perseverance of making oneself’s improvement in every aspect of the field is the highest form of possession. A single step forward moves the needle called your Life but can we stop automatically assuming comfort is inherently bad?

Yes, be improve yourself daily. But take time to just relax and enjoy your progress.

Look in the mirror. that’s your only competition.

Remember, the journey is the destination, investment on self development will never give you loss. The more you invest, the more you will get. It is one of the amazing business where you will only profit.

Do it.

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