What Devotions for Encouragement Do You Need when Waiting Patiently on God’s Time
If God is making you wait you really need devotions for encouragement while waiting patiently on God’s time and be prepared to receive more than what you asked for but how can you be sure that it’s God that making you wait and not the devil ?
The thing is that you can’t just sit around and wait. Some people might say “all right I’ll just wait around, and hopefully, opportunity comes knocking on my door” but that’s not how it works. You need to go out, seek opportunities and work towards your goals. Don’t just wait and do nothing.
When patiently waiting on God like in Psalm 46:10 – Be still and know that I am God, doesn’t mean stop doing what your doing to get what your trying to achieve. It means when you truly believe in God, He will give you more than what you expected… Like Paul said in James 2:14-26 “Faith without works is dead”. Put God first in everything you do.
Powerful Motivational Bible Verses and Encouraging Interpretations
Pastor Steven Furtick shares that it is great to be driven and ambitious, but it is very important for us to wait on God. Anytime that we come up with our own solution that is not in submissions to God’s strategy, it will become our sabotage.
God gives only the best! Not great nor good, But Best… and His timing of giving the blessing is always the best. And It’s because God truly cares!
The Loudest Bible Verse In Devotions for Encouragement while Waiting Patiently on God’s Time
Isaiah 60:22 (WEB) – The little one shall become a thousand, and the small one a strong nation; I, Yahweh, will hasten it in its time.
Isaiah 60:22 (WYC) – The least shall be into a thousand, and a little man shall be into a full strong folk. I, the Lord, shall make this thing suddenly, in the time thereof (at its proper time)
Faith is trusting God even when you don’t understand His plan. And he still is the best of planners which makes waiting patiently on God the most viable and productive idea
Remember, generosity was introduced to mankind by almighty God and when he decides to give, you will be amazed of what you get. that’s why He is God, He does not operate the same way as man; when you think He will come He may not show up, but when He shows up, He shows up at the best time. He is the author of time and season. “I always remember His words in the book of Ephesians 3.20 “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us”
Tips On How to Improve Your Mind For General Calmness
“Know that God already has a plan to bring you through to victory. When you call on His name, when you surrender your circumstances to Him, that’s when His light will come bursting through the darkness. Notice, it’s not going to trickle in, it’s not going to just barely get there. No, like a flood, like the breaking forth of waters, it’s going to come bursting in.” – Joel Osteen
We forget when waiting patiently on God’s time that it was part of the plan for the Disciples to encounter a storm on the seas while Jesus slept: God was glorified in Jesus’ peace in trusting His Father during the storm, and His demonstration of power over the storm.
We forget when we need devotions for encouragement from God that it was part of the plan for the group of 5,000 to be so far from their homes, with so little money, and with so little food among them to meet the need: God was glorified as Jesus blessed what the Disciples saw as insufficient, and in doing so, abundantly supplied to meet and exceed the need.
We forget when waiting patiently on God’s time that it was part of the plan for Lazarus to die while waiting for Jesus, who delayed four days: God was glorified by Jesus in His bringing Lazarus back to life.
I know its hard, but we have to encourage ourselves. The mind will tell us all sought of things, but we have to pull those thoughts down in Jesus Name. Speak back and say I will have what God promised me. No matter what God timing is perfect.
It takes time to build anything significant whether it’s a career, a relationship, or a sustainable business. Patience builds faith; Faith draws you closer to God, building a stronger sense of Him and yourself.
2 Corinthians 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ
Never fear! Follow God undoubtedly, unwavering, and with complete abandon. He is glorified in your Faith and trust in Him… and He will Supply the need.
The Many Reasons to Change Your Mind When Necessary
Struggle is the meaning of life, defeat and victory is in the hands of God – So efforts in right direction are mandatory and reflect on the devotions for encouragements on the scripture when waiting patiently on God’s time and blessings, God has promised not to let you be tested beyond your ability to endure (1 Corinthians 10:13).
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