Tall Poppy Syndrome: Mind Your Own Business To Win Without Competing

Tall Poppy Syndrome: Mind Your Own Business To Win Without Competing

Focus and Mind Your Own Business To Win Without Actually Competing

Focus on yourself,  mind your own business and you go faster. focus on developing your own thing and be cheerful to others for their successes; Consume your mind with what other people are doing, compare yourself to others, spend energy hating on others and  definitely realize you go slower. I like going faster. Not only is it good for business but you will be more happy more often, and not filling your head with negative, toxic thoughts.

Tearing down others is a massive monumental waste of your time, talent, and energy. Use those resources to improve your own life and shift your perspective. When you tear someone else down, then it’s really about your own insecurities. The idea should be about you making sure you ‘Stay in your own lane’ yet recognize the achievements of others as well.

Competition is good for progress. But it is very easy to wind up in Negative competition which does more harm then good. Investing in yourself, mind your own business and focusing on your priorities make for a better foundation for everything in life. “If someone is doing better than you, congratulate him, not tear him down.”

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You can win faster when you mind your own business. If you can’t stand out because you’re the tallest, stand out because of your uniqueness. If you bring something new to the table you will be appreciated. Simply always try to grow, and help those around you to grow too if you can. Many people tear down others out of insecurities, fear, or any number of other reasons. It’s very much the wrong way to go about things. Instead, give positive energy to all, In return, positive energy will follow.

The moment we try to tear down others’ poppy or even look at with hatred and jealousy our focus gets diverted. Focus is nothing but energy. Successful people make best use of two indispensable things at their disposal that is time and energy. Time is fixed for everybody i.e; we all have 24 hours a day but we can surely work on our energy level through focus.

Focus will help us to achieve the goal in unexpected time. More energy will be released to do the job even our body; which is a part of mother nature, subconsciously works on the same principle.
One should first be devoid of greed, jealousy, hatred etc. and fill one’s heart with love, care, honesty, truthfulness, helpfulness to focus on a goal for an extended period of time.

If you have friends or colleagues that are people builders. Those that will tell you why you can and not why you can’t achieve something. Those who love to encourage and see others succeed. Hang on to them for all your worth. Because they are truly rare and vital to your pursuit.

Focus on your goals, mind your own business, celebrate success, and stay true to yourself. There will always be those that seek success via destruction… I’ve met many like that in my life. Mostly, its jealousy driven by high octane insecurity. So, be mindful, watch out for the type of person that seeks success via destruction and personal IP theft. Do what you can to keep those types as far away from you as possible.

We are all human in the end, only have limited time and energy, by concentrating on your own business and not to get distracted is very important, don’t waste time envy others, but use that time and energy concentrate inside yourself and your business. That makes difference.

How Failures and Rejections Make People Like You Stronger

Mind your own business; Focus is what gets us better not bitter. Competition is great and all but unless you regularly compete with yourself to do better, it won’t really matter what anyone else does because you won’t be successful yourself. Just focus on doing what you do, better. Nothing can stop you if you keep focusing on that

Every situation in life is not a competition. We need much more cheering on and more collaboration. We all need to help one another rid ourselves of the scarcity mindset. So much healthier and joyful for all of us if we can switch it to the “abundance for all” mindset

Don’t use other people as rungs on your ladder as you climb to the top. Find your own path. and keep in mind, focusing on “you” is two-edged. Focusing on self will have an effect of tearing another’s building down as you define you and what separates you from the Big or Other poppy.

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