Standing tall: You don’t have to be tall to stand tall. Your integrity is your height.
Standing tall is simply integrity. what is integrity then ?
the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness:
“he is known to be a man of integrity”
In simpler terms. Integrity is what we do, what we say, & what we say we do! – D Galer
Being tall maybe a benefit, but of course Integrity has a taller. Integrity is the hallmark of ones inner core. Acting with honor and truthfulness form the basic tenets in a person with integrity. One with Integrity can stride forth with a Lion-like pride even before their strongest opponents.
Height does not matter as it only provide some support whereas the heart determine the concern and are the center of every supportive activities. Strong values and principles that should not change based on audience or situation. Be impressed by humility integrity, generosity and kindness. Your integrity is your height and credibility is your weight – the weight of your words. Make the most out of it
“Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.” – Abraham Lincoln
Modern day scenarios have reduced the value of integrity to a mere word. Understanding what it actually takes to inculcate it in ones’ personal and professional lives requires wisdom and the hunger for personality growth. Having the courage to say no. Having the courage to face the truth. Doing the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity.
Letting Others Rise To Your Standards and Not Lowering It
No matter how hard the truth is, a person with high integrity will tell you straightforwardly. Having integrity means doing things in the right way rather than that crooked way that pleases others. Yes, maintaining integrity sometimes costs a lot but a sincere person won’t regret it because without integrity there really is no value.
Finding the right is hard, standing by the right side even when no one else does is even harder… But honestly, the harder choices, the best results to your life. Above all don’t set your name to anything you will ever have cause to be ashamed of. Never cut yourself short, you might need it to cross the river of circumstances and reach your goals of success.
Your deeds can echo your name up to the roof tops or mountain tops. A good reputation which is integrity is remembered for generations. Integrity builds your reputation… Reputation build your nature and character in turns ensures a wonderful future
What is Jesus One New Commandment to Keep? Read This!!!
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