The Overwhelming Impact of Saying a Necessary No Effectively

learn to say no But saying no doesn’t make you a bad person

How important it is to learn to say no

Being able to prioritize and learn to say no is a valuable time-saving practice.  It does not mean you are mean, it means you spend time on priorities… including helping or volunteering that fits you as a person.  You still help others by saying no. No to negativity, no to gossip at work and private life, no to be used and manipulated… we need to stand up for ourselves. All of us unconsciously are known to this fact!. but nobody addresses it.

learning to say no to time wasters and things that do not align with one’s purpose allows one to be a strong finisher verses a starter with tons of incomplete. Whew! I’m finally able to say no without guilt. What does not add value is worthless. Just wind! Focusing on creating value for oneself and for others is a key to success! This is the greatest time saver; and there’s a massive difference between focusing on YOU and being selfish.

Value is always a variable, it is up to us to make it worth and worthless . What we need to focus here is our confidence level and experience to make decision happen. Saying no is so important because a lot of people who don’t add value in your life spend their life spamming others in hope of catching others who say yes. Say no, show that you value your time, and say yes to the things that matter!

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Saying ‘no’ is always the hardest thing to do cause it may sounds negative and other may perceive it as we aren’t open to new ideas. People are hard to please and for most of the time bluntness in discussion is good- providing there’s reason in every comment. Say “no” to keeping a bad friend and to things that you don’t honestly want to do. Then you’ll have more room to say “no” to the other things.

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If you not learn to say no and often says yes to everything, then, you’re living by the agenda of others and not your own. But saying no doesn’t make you a bad person—it just means you value your time. It helps you concentrate on what it is important to you so you can get your version of success much faster. ‘Showing up’ won’t guarantee your success…but not ‘showing up’ will certainly impede it. The best ‘show up’, are fully present and focus on doing great work. Over time, that approach will virtually always lead to great results.

If you say no once it may be helpful to you for life but still people find it difficult to say No. Peter Drucker said:- “Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all.” Thinking innovatively is awesome, you had just better be ready to defend your position over and over

If you want more time, freedom and energy, learn to say no, start saying no. It can take some time to discover what doesn’t add value. Also, life happens so quickly that one day something may add value and one day later its value has expired. Also, sometimes value is not immediately evident. We get distracted multiple times on a daily basis. In order to focus on what really matters to us, we need to say “no” to the things that matter a lot less

Nevertheless, we must be careful not to only measure value in monetary terms.

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