A Quick Insight Into Important Career Success Factors

Important Career Success Factors

Career Success Factors

If you must know, you will have a lousy career if you’re making any of the under-listed mistakes. Have you heard a quote by Henry Ford – “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right”?, If you have this in mind then you have one of the most important career success factors in you.

Though this quote was said almost a century ago, it is still applicable to modern humans today. Inevitably, self confidence and attitude determine whether people will be successful or not. But are they the only factors?

Here are the five anti career success factors which determine whether you will fail to have a great career or even have a very successful life.

  1.  Know It All attitude
  2.  Playing the blame game
  3.  Taking criticism as a personal attack
  4.  Strive for perfection
  5.  Inconsistency

How to grow your career success rate:

1. Have Self-Awareness

One of the key career success factors is knowing who you really are when strained. You have to know your strengths, growth areas, values, skill set,etc. Don’t be afraid to try new things and get out of your comfort zone. It’s hard to know how to get to a certain destination if you don’t know your current location. Take time to self evaluate where you’re right now and plan for where you want to be in the future.

2. Have a Personal Board of Directors (PBOD).

Your PBOD should include people you respect, trust, and want to get sound advice from. They provide you with honest feedback, challenge you to grow, share career opportunities and cheer you on! Your PBOD should be diverse and serve a specific purpose for your career development.

3. Be PROACTIVE not REACTIVE about your career.

Don’t wait for your boss to put you on that project you want to work on, recruiters to reach out to you, learn that new skill or asking for that promotion. Speak up for the things you want and do the work. Be intentional about the work you do. Identify gaps within your team and propose a solution. Don’t just wait for opportunities to come to you, create them and make space for every career success story you can lay your hands on!

4. Write It Down

Write down what you are doing in your job, what you like about your job, give yourself time thinking about what you want to do more of. Determine your own career success factors. It becomes easier to move in a certain direction once you see it in writing. Identify gaps within and propose a solution. Don’t just wait for opportunities to come to you, create them

No one should be more invested in your career growth than you.

career success factors

If you wish to grow in your professional life or improve on your career success pace, you may have to do beyond your job scope provided the environment supports it. Passion, diligence, and determination drives you to go the extra mile to achieve a goal. Find leaders who demonstrate by results and doing exactly what they say. It’s a great way to have your paradigm shift from doing the norm!

Always do your best, whether they appreciate it or not. The seeds you plant today is the harvest of tomorrow. Commitment comes from requirements and without knowing what you require, how can you commit! It is about the attitude to fight until last and if you are doing much more out of your scope, you can grow…

Attitude as an important play-maker in our personal career success factors and stories.

Each one of us is different from others. No one is like you and that is your real strength. You have a monopoly, avail it, believe in yourself, whatever you can imagine is possible. Only a dreamer can understand another dreamer. We need to dream big and then make plans to achieve our dream by working hard. Impossible isn’t a reality, it’s an opinion.

When you have balance in your life, work becomes an entirely different experience. There is a passion that moves you to a whole new level of fulfillment and gratitude, and that’s when you can do your best… for yourself and for others. – Cara Delevingne

A lot of persistence and hard work goes into getting the first roots to sprout. Always maintain the confidence that the harvest will come.  Hard work can melt people, Smart work can mold them…. the choice is yours to improve on your career success level and pace.


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