How to Stop Thinking Negative Thoughts
You can’t stop negative thoughts by just wishing they would go away, pushing against them, or feeling bad about having negative thoughts. Any focus on negative thoughts gives energy to them and increases them! Your mind has to be set on positive thoughts and good thoughts because then you’re giving energy to that.
There’re basically 3 steps on how to stop thinking negative thoughts and change someone’s negative behaviors
- Take responsibility for your thoughts and actions.
- List negative things in your life and begin to change them.
- Forgive yourself and others.
It is clear that personality traits are formed by our past experiences. here’s quick lay down on how to stop thinking negative thoughts
Energy flows where attention goes. The more you focus on the negative things that have happened in your life, the more you relinquish your power to those things. Learn how you can start to become aware of negative thought patterns and begin to focus your attention on things that are important to you.
“When you change your energy, you change your life.” Fear isn’t what is keeping you down, your mind is. When we’re trapped in fear and don’t take action, it can sound something like this:
What if people make fun of me?
What if I’m rejected?
What if I lose respect?
What if I’m not good enough?
What if ____________? (followed by any negative statement)
What if I put myself out there and fall flat on my face, everyone thinks my idea is stupid and turns against me, I become so depressed that I lose my job, my family decides I’m too pathetic to live with and leaves me, I lose my home and end up living on the street, ALONE! It sounds silly, right? However, you might be surprised just how far our minds will go to keep our love, safety, and belonging intact. I’m being facetious here only to prove a point, not to make light of your fears. Fear is often just poor management of the mind.
Write out your worst-case scenario.
Next, explore your thoughts in a different way.
What if I don’t lose anything but gain the things I really want?
What if the process teaches me I’m stronger and more capable than I thought?
What if I inspire people to take their own action steps towards their dreams?
What if it turns out great?
Now that your mind is a bit calmer, and feels safer, take some action!
According to professional speaker and author, Tony Robbins, it’s the getting ready to change that takes time. In the end there’s a single instant when the change occurs.
The only person’s negative thoughts and behaviors you can change are your own. If you are able to do that than you may be able to influence another to change their’s.
We can tell others they need to change, we can try and coerce them to change, we can make demands that they change their negative thoughts, but in the end, they will only change when they decide to make the change. “Go and tell the world” was better translated as, “Go and SHOW the world”. Show others the benefit of the change and they are likely to want that themselves.
Thank you so much Onyx Gift. We do hope to make you be stronger than you envisage. To find your amazing and true self
I love your article,i believe it will help me find myself better.