Hugging Benefits and Facts about Hugs You should Know

Hugging Benefits and Facts about Hugs You should Know

Hugging Benefits and Facts about Hugs

The power of interpersonal connections with others cannot be overstated. A hug is a silent way to say everything will be okay and just hang in there and remember you are loved. A hug is so much as more if it comes from the heart.

Hugging is one of the best ways to show people that we care, give encouragement, share their joy and sorrow. But most of all let them know they are loved and not alone if/ when they are troubled.

Give me a hug when I did a good job.
Hug me when I was down.
Give me a hug when I was angry.
Give me a hug when I was complaining..

Hugging Benefits and Facts about Hugs You should Know

Most people like hugs. All we need sometimes is a hug, without words. A hug to say, “I understand, you’ll be fine, congratulations, I’m sorry, I did not mean it, forgive me, I love you, or I don’t understand but I’m here for you”. it’s a bit of comfort for most, especially the young ones

A big Hug is an amazing energy charger in the good and the bad times and it definitely is worth a thousand words! Hugs boost our happiness level when hugging it releases a chemical Oxytocin… It calms your nervous system and boosts positive emotions. So, in other words, a hug a day keep the stress away

Some Hugging Benefits and Hug Quotes

– Hugging is a supportive attitude without words.

– A hug is the encourage way we need when we sad, happy, lonely, miserable~etc.

– A romantic hug is even better and sweeter feeling than sex.

– Many things have two or more side. why hug doesn’t have?

–  It’s a medium to share one’s feelings and in most occasions, its always a welcome gesture

– Hugging is a silent way to say you matter to me

– Sometimes in life, You just need a hug. No words, no advice, Just a hug to make you feel better

– Sometime,s one hug is all you need

– The best place in the world is inside a hug – J Quest

– A hug is so Universal. No matter who you are. What you are. Where you are

– Hugging is like being a rainbow in someone else’s cloud

– Everyone needs a big hug now and then. Helps to keep us balanced.

– A hug is worth a thousand words. A friend is worth more. True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost.”

– All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action. – James Russell Lowell

Hugs are actually so underrated especially those hugs that are so tight that you can literally the other person’s heartbeat and for a moment everything feels so calm and safe like nothing can hurt you. Hugs matter.

One hug from the right person takes all stress away.

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