Why You shouldn’t Always Listen to Your Family and Friends

Why You Need To Listen To Yourself.

Why You Need To Listen To Yourself.

In Napoleon Hill’s words: “The number one reason people fail in life is because they listen to their friends, family, and neighbors. When you give too much credence to other people’s opinions you’re basically saying your true self to go soak yourself. When we get offered too many choices, the same thing happens—we sealed down the brain, unable to judge. Often, we end up simply deciding anything, just to get the process over and ended with.” – Do you give credence to your own idea when you listen to yourself or do you wait until you get one or two special person’s acknowledgement?

Sincerely, the number one reason too some people succeed in life is because they have the support of their family, friends and neighbors. Though only some are lucky to have that. Sadly some of the ones closest to us drag us down when we try to grow! That is the reality. If you’re blessed with parents or family who cheer you on to pursue those difficult dreams, you’re most fortunate.

Napoleon Hill was a very smart man who had in-depth thinking and analyze things very well. In his quote above, You’ll find a powerful statement full of emotional toil, and hard to fight. But in one sentence.

How to deal with family and friends opinion

Separate the wheat from the chaff. Some of the best council comes wrapped in bad advice. If you have positive support, you will succeed. If you negative nellies in your corner, you need to put your sneakers on and start running.

The problem is not that you listen to family, friends and neighbors-generally we truly listen only because we have sought their opinion – otherwise you don’t pay attention to unsolicited opinions (and if you do and act on unsolicited opinions – shame on you not them). I don’t believe their is a single reason for failure. And many times, a failure is just a step to success.

Getting an opportunity to hear from others, be it friends relatives and colleagues is a positive situation which many are not privileged to. Prior to decision, which should be solely yours, examining others’ perspective and reading of the situation is useful to avoid the pitfalls and unforeseen circumstances. This will enable one to be well prepared to face the negative consequences which might arise. Synergy of mind and bottom-up decision making is very critical for success

Listening to the wrong voices is a killer.

Most people are only close to you because you are a resource of enhancement for them. Think about it, how many people in your inner circle that you can tell something truly personal to and trust them with it? The answer is not many.

Just like you clean your home and throw the excess garbage away, you have to do the same with your circle. “Remove Your Dead Weight So You Reach Your Cruising Altitude!” Listening to other people can distract you from finding out your purpose in life. Friends and family will often mean well but ultimately you have to do what is best for you.

Stop listening to people that judge. Listen to others that give wise council and they focus on your strengths not your weaknesses. Socrates said “Smart people learn from everything and everyone . Average people from their experiences . Stupid people already have the answers. PROVERBS 24.27 of the bible says “Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house”. If we looked at the wider meaning of fields as being the fields of information, the people, the resources required and the time to nurture fertilize and harvest.

Follow your gut, it’s more powerful than all friends, family and neighbors. Dare to step back and look at it from a different point of view, you’ll be surprised that strangers could guide you a lot better than people in your own circle, the rest is luck and faith.

Oftentimes, failure is not so much connected to bad advice is the failure to act on good advice. We can’t to avoid listening to others but we have to keep filtering what we have been listening every time. Listen to yourself. It will lead you in the direction of the person you wish to become.

You can only pursue success by:

1. Having a clear purpose in life.
2. Educating yourself constantly.
3. Having self-discipline.
4. Don’t leave everything for later.
5. Being Persistent
6. Taking and accepting the consequences of your decisions.
7. Facing the fear.
8. Selecting your partner correctly.
9. Devoting yourself to what you are passionate about.
10. Don’t guess, think.
11. Spending with control.
12. Getting into action.


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