Manpower Development discussion rundown
Manpower Development Review,
Conceptual Framework of Manpower Development,
Manpower Development Process,
Advantages of Manpower Development
Manpower development is simply a continuous assistance or coaching giving to an employee in order to make him have the correct and current knowledge skill and attitude which he must possess to perform a given job effective.
Taylor (1998) declares that after have studies the workman or manpower so that we can know his responsibilities, we then process as from one fried to another try to develop very good workman in our employed economy so as to bring out his best and to train him to do a higher, more interesting profitable class of workman he has done in the past.
Singer (1990) pointed out that development entails the use of prepared programs to facilitate the acquisition of our knowledge skills and ability in the interest of improving job performances.
Manpower development now commonly referred to as human resource development, it is an ongoing process that analyzes, forecast on such issues as whether the organization is ready to compensate for the loss of experience from retiring employees and if employees are adequately prepare to implement organizational charge.
Manpower development is a process that seeks optimizes an organizations usage of its human resource. It requires an integrated approach that addresses multi-dimensional aspect of employees ranging from enhancing technical and inter-personal skills to create thinking and leadership. Organization with high productivity levels have made manpower and integrate part of their business culture.
Development as a long term education process utilized a systematic and organized procedure by which a non-managerial personnel gains conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose.
Manpower development deals with improving the human relations, interpersonal skills and communication of the manager.
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To develop a human resource strategy or plan. Look at the picture in relation to your business. Determine how your employees fit into the overall plan for your company.
It figure out which areas of your business need the most talented people it set a strategy to help individuals develop to fit those roles. For example, set up a mentor programme so that your high level employees can monitor newer employees conduct regular performance evolution so that your employee will know that they need to improve on.
Train new employees as they are hires. Employee tends to struggle to do. If you take time to train them through a seminar, class or other method, it can improve the quality of their work focus on getting new employee integrated into the system and working independently within a short period of time.
Identify employees who have the best chance to move up. Not every employee you hire will end up in a management role.
Once you identify the right employees, you can begin grooming then for other roles in the company. Look for qualities such as leadership, integrity, self discipline and the desire to excel. Look at past work history to make sure that the employees know-how to do their jobs and that they follow through what they work.
Encourage managers to develop their employees it’s up to each manager to ensure that employees develop at the appropriate rate. This may involve regular performance evaluations, meeting or training sessions.
Focus on continuing education for your employees. This may includes sending your employees to seminars or offering tuition reimbursement. If you put emphasis on helping your employees develop, they will most likely be more loyal towards them more easily.
- Employees who are indicated will be skilled as you have planned your training programme.
- To enable new employees to attain a standard of output and quality of what he calls the experienced workers standard (EWS) in the shortest possible time.
- To restrain existing workers whose productivity or quality standard are below.
- To train existing workers to undertake new and different types of workers which are called since training and development programme incorporate change in workers attitudes they invariable act as source of motivation to tax employee. In other to provide a boarder and better understanding of motivational theories and relationship employee development are examined.
There are two main problems associated with any manpower development program
Communication and Financing.
The problem of communication is by far the greatest as manpower development are concerned of the trance are unable to understand the message or instruction of the trainer, certainly, the programme cannot be realized.
Solution of Manpower Development
- It helps employee to handle conflict, tension, stress and frustration
- It helps eliminate fear in attempting new task.
- It helps employees in making decision effective problem solving.
- The growth, responsibilities and advancement are initialized and operationalized.
- Development of sense of growth in leaving.
- Increase job satisfaction and recognition.
Relationship between Manpower Development and Performance.
- Environment changes: environment in which organization operate is very changing and never static. Organization need to be adoptive in nature and as such employees need to update to change instructions in relationship, technology processor and procedures.
- Reduction in cost of waste and member of accident: An employee often makes a lot of mistake which leads to wastage of accident in automated production. This risk of experience from ongoing. It is no exaggeration that examine and development determining the continuity on organization.
- Increase responsibility: Preparing employee for new positions. If the new employee does not know the job the organization works on when to set or to get the job done. That is to say that for a while the new employee is promoted to new higher positions apparently, his authority and responsibility increase as well, he becomes accountable for the new performance on the job.
Development Technique used in Organization.
Survey Feedback: The survey technique involves data being allocated via a questionnaire. The collected information is meant to help manages make decisions. The answer to the survey feedback will range from quality of work, working condition, working hours, salaries and employees attitude in relation to all of the above
Team Building: Team buildings are designed to improve the capacity of the organizational members of working together in a harmonious environment. Organizational effectiveness can be boosted through enhancing work group dynamics and promoting a safe and understanding working place.
Sensitivity Training: Sensitivity training asks employees to interact in order to better understanding of each other. As a result, team members get better acquainted, from bonds cease to be judgmental and pone to become more motivated and efficient in the working environment. Sensitivity training wills not only increase awareness of self but also awareness of others.
Brain Storming: Organizational Development technique involves six to eight managers coming together and pitching ideas for solving a problem. Brian storming aims to promote creative thinking whilst bringing team leaders together and helping them engage in a interactive discussion of fixing a common issue.
Management by Objectives: This technique is used in organizational development as a method of receiving and assessing performance. It implies clearly pinpointing the goal of the organization and assigning them to managers. Their responsibility is to deliver results in a time efficient manner.
Empirical framework
Manpower development, now commonly referred to as human resource development is an ongoing process that analysis forecast and projected on organizations future manpower requirements.
In other words manpower development focuses on such issues as weather the organizations is ready to compensate from the loss of experience from retiring employees and if employee are adequately prepared to implement organizational charge.
Employee development is strategically an important function in human resource management that should enhance competitive advantage for an organization.
Effective development stratify can ensure that organization gets the right people in place with the right competences, knowledge, experience or capabilities.
Manpower development is very vital to job and organizations effectiveness since the formal educational system does not position on a particular organization while few individuals may have the requisite skill knowledge abilities and competencies needed to fit in a specific job function and also make significant contribution to the organization effectiveness.
Goldstein (1980) defines manpower development as the knowledge, skill and attitude require by employees to adequately perform a task or job or to improve effectiveness in the job environment.
This implies that for any organization to succeed in achieving the objective of its training program the design and implementation must be planned and systematic tailored towards enhancing employee performance.
Manpower development is also a form of specialized education aimed at giving the employee a particular a specialized knowledge skills and attitude which he must possesses to effectively perform in a given position while development is concerned with specific programs designed to prepare and groom a worker with particular education and training for higher responsibilities.
Manpower development according to is the process of building up human resource to meet the need of an organization. He stated further that manpower development includes investment by a society in education, investment by employers in training employees.
Employee development carries potentials for more responsible jobs, it is further oriented and enhances ability to understand and interpreted knowledge. Employee development states where training ends and it enhance the manages analytical and conceptual abilities which are critical know-how require for the management of organization. Therefore, the need to develop employees with implacable qualities which training cannot offer necessitated this study.
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The following concepts are defined as follows:
Manpower: This is the total sum of persons available. It is the labor force of the organization, that is readily available to serve.
Manpower Development: A long term educational process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which management personal gain conceptual and theoretical knowledge for higher task ahead.
Recruitment: A process of seeking out prospect like employee’s and encouraging them to apply for a vacant position or post.
Training: A systematic process of attaining the behavior of an employee, thereby helping him or her to acquire or/and improve skills.
Manpower Planning: A strategy by which organizations ensure that at every point in time in her life , there must be appropriate and enough level of skills required in the right job at the right time performing the right activities to fulfill or achieve the objectives.
Personal Management: An aspect of management that deals with the activities of employment, training and development, labor relation etc.
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