Skepticism and Caution Without Knowledge
Today, a hacker tried to get some of my accounts. I know my account is special because it’s connected to almost 5 other brands that I work with, but I rarely take caution without knowledge of what is.
In fact, by the nature of my work, I can’t take breaks from Facebook because it would require me to hand over the management of some sites to someone else. I discovered this when I tried doing that Facebook deactivation thing.
The hacker had a smooth agenda. I looked at the message sent to me and the link. It showed me a familiar wordpress extension. WordPress has become a playground for me as my most preferred content management system (CMS). So I know that any password entered on a WordPress platform would be stored where the admin could find it. This site was imitating Facebook on a WordPress CMS.
This gave them away and I refused to participate. Later the hacker was discovered and the account owner reached out to me. Yes, there are evil people out there. There are reasons to be afraid but too much caution without knowledge will cripple you. It would leave you wishing you had lived your life fully.
I have registered on more than a hundred platforms using my Facebook account. In fact, I hardly use my email these days. I simply login with Facebook. If I see any deal online, I use my Facebook to buy it and I have used my Debit Card for several things. If I see a course to join, I use my Facebook.
You’ll tell some people to buy books online, they’ll say they don’t want their ATM card to be hacked. Recently, they said people should stop posting their account number online to avoid being agents of fraud money. I have shared my account details for #YABO adverts and for writers who joined me in a 21-day writing challenge.
Hypocrisy in our cautious approaches
Funny but true. Same ‘over-cautious’ persons will not hesitate to use that same card on porn sites and use their emails to receive cracks and cheat codes.
You see, what will kill a man is not what he pursues for the sake of purpose or growth. It’s those free luxuries, those unbelievable scams, and his desire for freebies and quick money, that will kill him.
I understand when some people hesitate out of fear. They have done so much with their lives that they cannot afford to take risks anymore.
For instance, Mark Zukerberg cannot just wake up and say he is walking out on his empire and going on a vacation. He would have taken pains to put things in place.
Jack Ma, one of the world’s richest men once quit his job as chief executive of Alibaba to take up a job as an English Teacher. What no one will tell you is that he had committed to remaining on the board for another 5-10 years and the CEO he handed over to is his mentee.
Even these powerful people are able to take “careless” risk because they actually do their homework well.
People like Jack and Jobs can afford caution because they have made all the mistakes they could have made at a young age. They have learned lessons by living their lives. They are not still struggling with CVs and “Statement of Purpose.”
I see young people trying to be strategic, trying to attend all the seminars in this world before kick-starting their dreams. Yes, caution is good but caution without knowledge is silly.
You are busy doing nothing but you are skeptical of every new idea. They tell you about digital marketing, travelling, getting another degree in another country, you are skeptical. You want things to align perfectly before you step out and confront the world.
There are people who should never be scared. People who have zero bank balance. People who only use their accounts to type “Amen.”
Here is the reason to be less skeptical and less cautious
If you have nothing to lose right now, then you should not be comfortable with safe choices. In fact, making yourself worthy of hacking is a devious art of self empowerment. Improve your life till people want to steal your identity. Improve your life till you cannot afford to be careless anymore.
But in this moment, while you have not figured out your purpose, while you are still as broke as a church mouse, while opportunities are still evading you as if you’re the plague of Egypt, be out there!! Make mistakes like a PRO. Do those things that leave you feeling uncomfortable.
This is why you shouldn’t judge any young person for whatever they are selling. At least they are selling something, you should also find something to sell. Stop gossiping about other people’s mistakes, make yours. You take caution without knowledge and you mock others who are trying.
In fact, I believe that the reason people gossip and mock other people’s failure is because they are busy doing nothing challenging with their lives. They are always playing safe and mediocre and so they would only excel at ridiculing other people’s mistakes.
You can continue gossiping about people or go get paid to gossip. Whatever you are doing right now that has no direct import on who you desire to be is likely a product of fear; staying in that relationship because you think there is no better person out there, working that horrible job because you think no one will hire you, staying at home or staying in Nigeria, claiming it’s patriotic and then gossiping about those who don’t share your claim. Ignorance and fear are using your brain for “weather for two.”
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