The Two Factors Affecting Our Chances of a Proud Tomorrow

Factors Affecting Our Chances of a Proud Tomorrow

What are the factors that could affect our chances of a proud tomorrow?

  1. Procrastination
  2. Fear

For a proud tomorrow, the first note to take is that everything has to start somewhere, somehow, and someday. It’s the little we do today that will likely place us in a better position to do more tomorrow. So don’t dominate your little impacts with feelings of disappointment because if we do what makes us proud daily, then every day will be inspiring for us and for others around us.

Factors Affecting Our Chances of a Proud TomorrowDoing something that will make us proud can give us the confidence in ourselves. Unfortunately, life is full of ups, downs, expectations and disappointments, but for many of us, we are simply guilty of procrastinating or using the excuse of “when factor ‘X’ gets done, then I’ll do ‘Y’”, while for some, it’s only the fear of the unknown. But really, we’re just cheating ourselves when we don’t take action and let procrastination win. We must take action because we’re capable of a lot more than we give ourselves credit for.

The modernity of yesterday is the tradition of today and the modernity of today will be tradition tomorrow. Yesterday is but today’s memory and tomorrow is today’s dream. Yesterday’s the past, tomorrow’s the future, but today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present.

What do you want to be proud of?

Self-worth is built by taking actions that align with our values. When we see ourselves being loving, respectful, brave, generous, giving, kind and when we truly acknowledge who we must be to do those things, we see ourselves and who we are in a whole new way. Helping us to feel good about ourselves and have healthy self-esteem. Be proud now and make it last. Life’s full of surprises. You just never know.

Nevertheless, pride must be guided as well because the result is by chance. Everyone does something worth being proud of, but some have unfortunate outcomes in some cases. In everything one does, the place of prayers is vital.

Ordinarily, people will say it’s about focusing on your efforts, following your passion and leaving your comfort zone but where to?

What we choose to focus our efforts and time on will definitely manifest. Now is all that matters. What we choose to do at this moment, right now, will create our next moment.

Here’s the trick; there’s one rather more realistic approach to this. Perhaps, a single key to all the locks that hide in those paths; that key is ‘overcoming fears’.

Overcoming fears

Overcoming FEARS is one problem which is achieved gradually but requires effort.

F – Feeling
E – Everything is
A – Almost
R – Ruined so
S – Stop trying

How do you overcome fears and build a proud tomorrow? Pledge to lead yourself effectively by becoming the person you dreamed you could be. Doing 1% better today and every day will make you 30% better in the next thirty days. Be brave, be assertive, and be guided.

Learn, share, and care because without heart or emotional intelligence, knowledge is worthless. Take ownership of your career and actively orchestrate your successes. Today, walk into your leader’s office and ask to talk. Reinforce you values, worth, and goals. Then ask for a raise because you deserve one for all your continuous contributions, availability, and unwavering loyalty. You have nothing to lose by asking so go for it today.

Remember that trying your best means actually doing everything you possibly can to make something happen. It means:

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