Self-reflection on the question ‘Who am I?’
During our self-reflections, that ultimate, definitive and mindboggling question that has remained unanswered because we continue to look and research in all the wrong places is “Who am I?” For some of us it is our name, our surname, our place of birth, our kindred, our village, our town, our state and our nation. Lest I forget, it could also be our career, our race, our religion, our language, etc.
How evasive and deceitful we try to be as a people.
The real truth is that we all know that these are not the answers to this soul-searching question. Most of us give up and do not want to think about it anymore. Some either give excuses and wait for the lingering question to answer it self.
Religious Answers on Who we really Are
The new found religion and religious fanaticism have made it more confusing. Our men of God, Imams with “question marks” have laid claim to the fact that they have the “answers”. In some cases, they have even claimed to be the answers to this important question. This has led to religious extremism, religious dichotomy, and religious bigamy, which in turn has encouraged clan-ism, cultism and mental enslavement, which has made the world so unsafe and more divided than ever before. The wickedness of the world has flourished, people have become alienated from their brothers and sisters because of the selfish doctrines and ideologies of men who have claimed to have a collective answer to “THE QUESTION”.
As mortals in a blind quest for the truth, we struggle, work hard, steal, deceive, get married, divorce, converge, disperse, go to war, kill, all in the quest for the answer to this easy but yet unanswered question, that if answered by everyone of us will make our world so beautiful, lies undisturbed hoping that one of us would think independently outside the norms of what is expected of us by the world.
This question can never be answered as a group or union. It is indeed an individual question that each of us must answer by ourselves. I strongly believe that once we answer this question honestly, not minding what the man-fashioned world demands of us, the world will indeed be a better place.
Everyone of us was created by God Almighty in His own image. We came as individuals even if we are born as twins or triplets. Each was created by God for a purpose, one that God has indeed deposited in our hearts, one that often tries to call us to order when we deviate, one that we often disregard either because it is not trendy or because it doesn’t fit into that which the world demands or expects of us. I have always wondered why God created us with different faces, fingerprints, etc. It is because he wants us to be individuals in God’s family. Each and everyone of us has a purpose, one for which this journey called life was designed.
My Suggestion
Commune with your maker, “The Almighty,” and seek His face. Seek His direction, and I have no doubt that the right answer will be unveiled. As individuals, I strongly advise that we all should stay in our paths of life and compromise as we go through life with our fellow being and not be like a flock of sheep that would cross the road blindly without looking. I believe that if we all do our bit rightly, the world will be better off for it.
Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t found the answer. It’s just that as I went to bed last night in this era of isolation and corona virus and it just struck me that it is time for me as a person to share my thoughts with my friends.
This is the time. The Lord has indeed spoken, the world has gotten it all wrong and it’s time to change the course of things. “MAKE THAT CHANGE AS YOU WAKE UP THIS EASTER MONDAY.” Let us return the world to its main course.
These are just the thoughts that kept me up all night till 5 am. As you read this piece, may the God we all worship and serve give us the wisdom we need to find our purpose in life because when we do we will indeed answer the question “WHO AM I?”
Written by Prince Emmanuel Obi
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