– The E-Learning Method – Headng
Online Learning: The E-Learning Method refers to a form of distance learning that takes place partially or entirely over the web. It is learning that is supported by information and communication technologies (ICTs). The “brick and mortar” classroom has started losing its monopoly as the sole place of learning.
The process of learning is complex and it involves the auditory, visual, and tactile senses. The traditional way of learning at a campus university is not for everyone. Online learning is for those who wish to study for a degree alongside work or other commitments. It allows student to pursue an internationally recognized degree without the need to attend classes on campus. It is convenient since it allows one to study anywhere that has an Internet access. They can learn whatever they want, when they want it. The learning is self-paced and offered at a lower cost. Online courses are available 24/7.
Online learning started in 1989 when the University of Phoenix started to offer courses through the Internet. Online learning has been referred to as a form of distance education and as web-based learning, e-learning, and digital learning. It is offered over the Internet and uses web-based materials and activities.
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Online courses may be delivered in two ways: asynchronous learning or synchronous learning format. Asynchronous learning takes place when online participants are not required to be online at the same time. It is flexible because it allows instructors and learners to communicate anytime, anywhere. Although students communicate through emails and phone calls, asynchronous learning is regarded as less social in nature and can cause learners to feel isolated. Distance education is customarily asynchronous. Synchronous learning takes place when online class meets at the same specified meeting time and the learners utilize the online media at the same time. It serves four functions: instruction, collaboration, support, and information exchanges. In a synchronous environment, instructors and students can interact with real-time responses. This is close to face-to-face learning.
Students need to be technologically savvy to use technology tools that may be required. Students of the digital age appear to be independent, more technology disciplined, and technology savvy, well suited for online environment. Online learning at your own pace is beneficial for a high-quality college degree. It can allow introverts to thrive in ways that traditional setting cannot.
Online learning is under the broader scope of electronic learning (or e-learning). An e-learning process involves technological infrastructure, e-learning software platform, e-learning content, and participants. Popular e-learning platforms include Moodle, Claroline, and EdX. Moodle is a free, online learning management system (LMS) used for blended learning, distance education, and flipped classroom. Claroline is a collaborative online learning and working open-source platform. It is easy to use and available in several countries and languages. EdX is an open-source and free online LMS. Its goal was to act as the WordPress for MOOC.
Whether offered on campus or delivered online, each course offering must meet the same rigorous criteria and the strict academic standards. The only difference is in the way the course is delivered. Generally, students are required to have access to a computer system with high-speed Internet connections. They may also expect electronic academic support services such as registration, financial aid, libraries, tutoring, and advisement.
Issues facing online students include the requirement of self-directed learning and self-discipline which may influence the success or failure of online learners. They may be tempted to procrastinate in working on their assignments. The issue of quality in online learning has been raised and it is as complex as the reality of online learning itself. The Quality Matters Program based in the US (qmprogram) has established national benchmarks for online courses and has become internationally recognized.
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