Career Meaning, Career Definition And Career Choice

معنیcareer Career Meaning, Career Definition And Career Choice concept of attitude, Improvisation And Teaching Of Basic Science

معنیCareer / Career meaning / Career definition

معنیcareer or career meaning means the sequence and variety of occupations undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress from chosen choice

An individual is adjudged a professional because he or she has knowledge and skills in a particular discipline and to which the “commoner” or the unprofessional seek this knowledge.


Extensively, profession incorporates life jobs, recreation exercises, learning and work. It includes the sum total of paid and unpaid work, learning and life roles you undertake throughout your life. Papoola (2004) sees career as a job or profession for which one undergoes regulated education and training over a period of time and which one intends to follow for the whole one’s life.

It is an important and positive shift on an individual’s working life or a course sought after over time

Career choice is one of the most important choices that an individual especially a student has to make. Career choice is vital because it could determine whether or not an individual is going to be successful in life. It also determines the kind of friends and companions a person will keep, business associates, recreational activities, opportunities, salary status, where a person will live and our style of living generally.

Proper choice of career leads to success and happiness and is indeed a prerequisite for self-actualization.    A major turning point in adolescents’ lives involves the career choice that they make while in secondary school. Career choice, frequently, is viewed by family and community as a mere start to workplace readiness; however, this decision plays a major role in   establishing youth in a career path that opens as a well as closes opportunities.

Career choice has become a complex science with the advent of Information technology, the emergence of post industrial revolution and job completion. At high school level, a student should have knowledge of what he or she wants to do in the future. This, in turn, inform the kind of courses to select at the senior level and subsequent school certificate examinations

“Career decision making” provides students with the competences they need to advance in their careers because when professional school counselors provide career and educational guidance to their students, they influence the future by helping to clarify developmental decision that often last a lifetime.  The younger generation is the future of any nation.

As such, their occupational choices should assist them to develop the knowledge, skills and attitude  needed to successfully examine their lives, while exploring and evaluating a wide range of career options to attain goals in the future.

Career choice is an exercise that is carried out under the influence of certain factors.  including personality, interest concept, cultural identity, globalization, socialization, role model, social support and available resources such as information and finance. Bandits,

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An individual undertaking the process is influenced by factors including the context in which they live in, their personal attitudes, social contact and educational attainment. elements impacting career decision can either be inherent or outward or both. a great many people are affected via professions that their folks support.  some are influenced by careers that their parents favor; others follow the careers that their educational opportunities have opened for them. Some individuals’ career choices are also influenced by the significant others through social support from peers.

Young adults, through interaction within the context of the family, school and community learn about and explore careers which ultimately lead to their career choice. One consistent finding in research suggests that adolescents’ own aspirations are influenced by their parents’ aspirations  or expectations.

Parental support and encouragement are important factors that have been found to influence career choice. Children may choose what their parents desire, simply to please them.  Interestingly,  some individuals are attracted to career because of the mode of dressing of the individuals in that profession examples,  lawyers, physicians, accountants, pilots, engineers, etc. especially in less developed   communities worldwide.

Career choice has meaning in the context of employ-ability demands in a knowledge economy. It is therefore very important to have an empirical understanding of the factors that influence ones’ choice of particular careers.  Ignorance about one’s career is not bliss and planning one’s career is better than leaving it to chance or fate.

Choosing a career is difficult and many students are unable to express any choice of career. The major turning point in adolescents’ lives involves the career choice they make while in high school.

Frequently, it is viewed by family and community as a mere start to workplace readiness; however, this decision plays a major role in establishing youth in a career path that opens as well as close as opportunities, given the differences in the social and economic context of college-bound vs work- bound adolescents.

College students are faced with the need to choose an academic major as well as to develop career goals for the future. Regardless of great effort put forth by families, government agencies and non-government agencies, many young people encounter difficulties in the transition from the world of school to that of work.

Experts opine that some students insist on studying courses where they clearly lack basic foundation in academic and attitude preparation. and by implication, there are cases where students have enrolled in certain programs but later on discover they lack interest in the particular field.

Reviewing the concept of Career Choice:

Career choice is one of the most important decisions a student or professional has to make. Whether that decision is to select a specialization, organization or a profession, it should be made after careful consideration of the internal (including physical, emotional and intellectual demands and external environment.

This choice is crucial as it shall drive what will be the individual’s daily schedule for the rest of their life. Furthermore, it will have a direct impact on their other aspects of life such as life style, self-satisfaction, work life balance and quality of life.

The values an individual holds, the successes and failures he experiences, the social class into which he has developed and his interests, strengths and capacities are only some of the factors which could affect his selection of a career.

Thus, career choice is not merely a decision of a moment but a complex and difficult process spanning years, if not a lifetime.

There are many theories on career aspirations and choice, each emphasizing the organized and systematic provision of information needed to help individuals evaluate their personal experiences and aspirations so as to make an intelligent career choice.

For instance, holds the view that people in a particular profession have peculiar characteristics regarding social and developmental needs. These motivate them to create an environment reflecting not only their needs and personalities, but also one in which their skills, qualities, attitudes and values are accepted.

An individual chooses more effectively if he knows his abilities; that fulfillment of his needs are crucial in job satisfaction and that occupational choice reflects one’s personality and needs. The individual chooses an occupation which best meets his strongest needs ranging from  social, psychological to economic. Job satisfaction depends on the extent to which an individual’s occupational needs meet those needs that he considered most important.

Thus, an individual’s need is one of the determining factors in career choice. Other factors include important people in our lives, parents, admired works, working experiences and peer influence. The occupation makes possible the playing of a role appropriate to the self-concepts since every occupation requires a characteristics pattern of abilities, interest and personality traits with tolerance wide enough to allow a variety of occupations for each individual and a variety of individuals in each occupation.

The selection of an occupation constitutes an implementation of the self-concept construct, requiring a person to himself as a distinctive individual and to be aware of the similarities between himself and others.

Young people all over the world are usually faced with the herculean (difficult) task of career decision taking. The choice of careers, subjects and courses of study in schools and of subsequent paths to follow are always difficult problems facing prospective undergraduates.

Frequently, correct choice of  subject selections could effect profession choice and  can make  the difference between getting a charge out of the career  or despising it in future. . Dedicating oneself to career choices that are potentially unattainable is frustrating

Thus, many Nigerians regard work either as a mere source of livelihood or as a means to an end rather  than an end in itself, one which has its own in-built satisfaction, and as an opportunity for expressing one’s talents or creative potentialities. Bad attitude to work and its attendant problem or minimum productivity becomes rampant. The net effect of this untoward situation results in the crippling of nation’s economy.

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Factors Affecting Career Choice

Parental Involvement:

Parents serve as a major influence in their children’s career development and career decision making. Some parents work hard in order to give their children the best that they can give. Once they have done all they could for their child, they start having certain expectations and dreams for their children.

A parent’s expectations and dreams for their children does serve as a major influence when an individual chooses a career. What parents do not realize is that they should allow their children to have dreams and visions of their own.Parents’expectations often become a major burden for their children. Those Individuals and who are unable to fulfill their parents’ expectations go through life feeling both depressed and inadequate.

Many parents especially some conservative ones, will never let their children follow their own heart when it’s comes to picking a career. They will make it a point to try and force the child to pick a line which they approve of. In the last 10-years, there are many me jobs and career possibilities which have come up, which many parents might not even be aware of. It is for this reason that even if the line is very promising, the parents are very disapproving of such careers.

Most families determine, recommend and even force their children to occupations of the parent’s liking irrespective of the child’s interest, intelligence and aptitude. Parents are one of the obstacles that interfere with the career choice  of students, they have powerful influence on the adolescents. For example, if a parent lost the opportunity of becoming a lawyer or a doctor, or any other high profession during their own time, they might dictate for their child to go into such profession, whether they have the aptitudes for that or not, so as to fulfill that hinge for that particular profession, or for the child to help the parents achieve that which they failed to achieve.

Again, the family’s occupation usually influences the child’s orientation and affects his/her choice. Many children take their parents occupations to maintain the family name and image. It was also discovered that most parents have decided for their children what they should be, just for them to share the social status attached to the profession.

Environmental factors:

Environment greatly influences the students career choice, for example, students who live on island may choose a career dealing with water, or they may choose to leave the island behind, never to have anything to do with water again.

There is a possibility of a student being influenced by someone dear to him or her thereby making a significant impact on choice of carrier. Parents’educational background may influence the student’s view on whether or not to continue their education. Someone they saw on television may have influenced the student, or parents may have demanded that they assume a family business.

The social importance attached to various careers within a particular environment was also discovered to be one of the environmental factors affecting career choice or معنیcareer of students .

It was observed that most adolescents indicated interest for prestigious careers like Lawyer, Doctors, Engineers, Pharmacist, but very few of them indicated interest in becoming low-level professions like classroom teachers. Many young people  go into jobs, even hazardous ones, not merely because of interests aptitudes, personality or self concept, but due to their financial benefits.

Many believe that to live a comfortable lifestyle, they need to be economically stable. When these students look into a major or a career path, they seek out the higher salary jobs or they look for majors that involve the most job security.

The financial aspects that one considers include high earning potentials, benefits and opportunities for advancement. Many think they need a high paying job to be able to live to a certain taste. With curiousity about their job security, some young people also put retirement plans into consideration . Students want to make sure they are secured for the rest of their lives, and may look into careers that have benefits to help them in the long run.

To a large extent, the family’s social and economic status also helps in shaping the career of children. Many youths may be intelligent and interested in undergoing a particular course for a particular profession, but due to inadequate finance and family support, may decide for another less financial demanding vocation.

Fizer (2013) asserts that students whose parents own and operate small business may want or feel obligated to follow in their parents’ footsteps. Young people put consideration into an prospective easier job that could be readily available after school, they could hold a high position within the business, and there is a possibility that they might own and operate the business one day.

Moreovever, wards of family owned franchises definitely have more know-how experiences with how the business world operates. These students have often worked in the family business their whole life, experiencing all of what their parents went through in the day to day operation of the business, thereby having a positive or negative effect on the student.

Motivational factors (interest, intellectual capacity, personality trait):

This is another factor that determines career choice. It is a motivator and activator to all our disciplines. It is the kind of things we like and enjoy that our interest are built from childhood experiences and dispositions. It is interest that channels our thoughts and ideas to the courses we do that will eventually lead to a vocation.

Some students grow up knowing what they want to do in life. These are the students who will go the extra mile to reach their dream job. However, students often settle on a different path due to many factors they can’t control. Most students today are more concerned with the amount of money they can earn, so there are few of them who pursue their dreams.

Children especially teenagers often indicate that they would like an “interesting” job. Interests are, of course, very personal to the extent that two people may be interested in the same activity for quite different reasons. Such features as mental stimulation, sense of achievement, excitement and using one’s abilities are central to the description of a career that is interesting.

Some effects of interests on career choice are that, an interest may be significant in itself and therefore be vital to career choice. It can also point to jobs where similar satisfactions can be derived. Indeed, occupations can be grouped together where they have common interest elements, though one does not need to satisfy all of one’s interest in a job, since some will be achieved through external activities.

An individual’s skills and interests are, however, only a part of the picture when making choices about what to do in future.(معنیcareer)

Many students choose their career based on their intellectual capacity. However, some students do not have the ability or the work habits to succeed in some majors that may require more study than other fields of studies. These students  will potentially suit in a less work intensive study fields that requires fewer difficult classes. This obviously affects the career paths of these students.

On the other hand, Beggs (2008), explains that some students have the drive to put in the work in very labour-intensive fields but don not have the intelligence to perform the tasks that are needed for their chosen field. These students often receive help from tutors, special education teachers and special exceptions when taking exams and doing homework.

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Also, somebody may have the interest and financial disposition to pursue a career (معنیcareer), but may be intellectually deficient. Thus deficiency may thwart his or her interest and ambition, for example, a student may be interested in becoming an engineer and may be deficient in mathematics and physics, such student cannot go ahead with engineering because he or she has to pass the above subjects before being admitted into the university to pursue such course. Thus one’s intelligence determines to a great level the course or career he/she chooses to do.

More so, personality trait is also a factor that influences career choice. Public relations office demand a cheerful extroverted individual, an introvert may not fare well in such jobs. Priesthood or evangelism demands humility, patience, endurance and tolerance, it is not a vocation for arrogant people .

Studies have shown that students will choose a job that they think will fit their personality trait. The confidence that a student has can determine how far a student will go with their education. Students who believe in themselves have more confidence and are more likely to go for what they want instead of settling for something that is comfortable.

The personality of students can also play a role in choosing a career. According to studies, students who have an investigative personality are more likely to major in science fields. Students with an imaginative characteristics(artistic potentials) are bound to study Arts. While students who are very social people are more likely to major in the social sciences, or even in the entertainment field.


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