On the US Gun Control and NRA Debate

gun-owners, arms dealers

FORMAL STATEMENT: I have no problem with guns or gun-owners, I’ve owned a few in my life. But I do have problems with arms dealers, whether we are speaking on the scale of NATO or your local gun-shop.

On the US Gun Control and NRA Debate

It is arms dealers that the NRA is protecting, and we need to be clear about this. I do not care if you agree or disagree with what I say, but I would like you to understand it. So please read what follows with as much thoughtfulness as you can muster.

The NRA does not protect individual gun-owners, although that is what they would like you to believe. The myth that some monster called “Liberals” is out to get your guns is a line of bullshit. People who clutch their guns with a kind of panicky fear that the monster is coming have been completely deluded by what is probably the most powerful lobby in Washington.

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Power means money; where does that money originate? Does the NRA receive money from individual, private donors? Probably. NRA members pay dues, and some of them may make occasional voluntary contributions. But this kind of money will not fund the most massive and sustained public relations campaign in the history of modern media.

The very fact that some NRA members sincerely believe that the monster is coming shows the power of this campaign. The vast majority of NRA funding comes from weapons manufacturers and arms dealers, especially at the multi-national level. It is the concern of the NRA to see that nothing – or as little as possible – comes between the supply of their constituents’ product and the American consumers’ demand.

There is nothing inherently wrong with this practice; the problem, however, lies in deceptive packaging. The NRA presents itself as defending the rights of the “little guy.” It is not – but little white lies are common in Washington. The problem lies in how the little guy was led to believe that s/he needs this defense.

The NRA has created a bogeyman, and has invested immense time, money, and effort to make some among us believe in the monster. But what makes the monster so powerful? It isn’t – unless it takes over the government. If the Monster Liberal takes over the government, then and only then is there a problem.

However, the wise person will arm him/herself against the possible realization of such a horrible nightmare. Hence, it is necessary to arm oneself against one’s own country. Ask any politically militant gun-owner why s/he needs guns.

At first you may hear about crime or sport or collecting, but eventually they’ll get around to Uncle Sam run amok. Where does this idea – that the monster Liberal government is coming for their guns – originate? It originates from the NRA itself.

This organization is soliciting the public to arm itself against the United States of America; people are being encouraged to take up arms against their own country.

Now I’m not a legal scholar, and I may have missed some technical point somewhere, but to me that sounds a lot like treason.

The NRA is profiting by encouraging people to arm themselves against their own country. Who will these citizens be shooting? The police? Soldiers? Marines? Has anybody given this any thought? The NRA is (and I’m sure its executive members are) becoming extremely wealthy by pandering treason to American citizens who are naïve enough to fall for it.

The problem isn’t guns. The problem is the NRA.


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