Combining Technology With AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI and Technology : It might be surprising, but technology companies do not build AI primarily. The services they provide do not mainly involve replacing other people’s jobs. AI has its use in technology companies as well, which should be obvious. In fact, tech giants like Google, IBM, or Apple are known to buy out and merge smaller companies with them so they can have a competitive advantage.
Diagnosing technical problems on people’s devices is just as complex as diagnosing a disease. The process is complex, and the solution can be hard to understand for normal people. As such, the ability to understand what the customer is saying and knowing exactly what is wrong with the device is critical. This is where chatbots or virtual customer assistants with speech recognition capability and natural language processing come in.
See: AI, What is Artificial Intelligence ?
Chatbots also have their use outside small or medium-sized enterprises. Market leaders also need to build their own intelligent voice assistants. Google Home, Microsoft’s Cortana, Apple’s Siri are some examples. They are fully capable of analyzing human’s language and provide appropriate answers.
AI-enabled translation engines could prove a useful artificial intelligence integration which is also important nowadays because they revolutionize communication. Not only that we now have an interpreter in our pocket like Skype which offers real-time AI translations, Google Translate now has language and image-scanning capacity so you can simply take a picture, have the application scan it and it will produce accurate translations. This is thanks to the deep learning and machine learning technology that allow language recognition and instant translation between languages.
Understanding AI and Technology or artificial intelligence integration on social media, Facebook now uses face and image recognition, mainly to prevent identity theft. Users are now informed when an image of them are uploaded and asked whether the user wanted to tag themselves in that picture, even if the picture was uploaded by a complete stranger.
Since the 1950s, artificial intelligence has been spreading its wings and recently have been in the limelight. Top leaders of the world including Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook are emphasizing their interest in AI.
More than ever AI has been important in our lives today. With excessive production of data, advanced usage of algorithms and improvements made in the field of computing and storage, the enthusiasm for this technology does not cease.
Artificial intelligence has impacted the automating businesses in a manner that the growing interest in machine learning, artificial intelligence, and deep learning has seen leaps and bounds and is getting immense popularity in the IT industry these days.
IT professionals with AI skills are treated like start athletes making bidding wars for services.
Artificial intelligence as a term has been long deemed like a science fiction, where machine will start thinking like humans or try helping the human kind or can act as ungrateful machines that will try to wipe out the human race.
By 2035, AI predicts to boost the economic growth by 1.7% across 16 industries.
AI companies that have prepared budgeting for certified professionals such as artificial intelligence certification, artificial intelligence engineer certification will be considered by many companies.
However, the reality shows a less dramatic scene. And despite dramatic changes in these technology, AI so far is yet to develop systems that will be super intelligent. Although recent advances in artificial intelligence may be of epochal significance, it will be extremely challenging to lead a human judgment.
The AI’s reckoning dexterity in several real-world applications, from facial recognition to digital voice assistants such as Alexa or Siri or Cortana is inexorable.
With applications that seem promising today, organizations across different industries are looking to harness AI in their processes.
With profound demand for AI skills in the industry, there are less talent in the labor market
12% of civilian forces with certification and license are unemployed as compared to 88% without certification or a license, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Companies are in the competitive edge, it is no secret that a candidate with artificial intelligence engineer certification will be among the most demand position.
This statement pulls us together to fulfill the criteria that is causing the lacunae. Many companies lack AI adoption, not just the technology but professionals who will be able to optimize deep neural networks. Even more challenging, is the demand that outstrips the supply.
As per a report, it is estimated that there are lesser than 10,000 people with the necessary skills that is required by the industry. The competition is fierce both for the employer and the employee.
While companies that are looking to adopt AI in their production might first need to consider whether they have the required resources or not.
The first few millions of workers will have to make that shift. Its time one infuses themselves with certifications and credentials. Certification credentials like artificial intelligence certification and artificial intelligence engineer certification will spur the growth for skilled professionals in the industry today.
Striking the right balance between businesses and the competitive AI race will definitely boost careers of many professionals today.
The tech industry has many uses for bots and their uses and implementations are on the rise still.
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