Understanding our mindset, attitude and values as perfect tools on how to get someone’s attention effortlessly and hold it as long as it can last.
We have to do our duty first regardless if the people are paying the attention to you or not, if we are doing it right, one day they will definitely turn up and support. This happens only when firstly, we believe in ourselves and do our duty without expectations. Only our values, discipline and ethics will keep us growing, so, never ever compromise on it.
Being positive is a choice you make like every other choice you make. It is easier to embrace a positive mindset than struggle with a negative one. Life feels and looks better when you are positive and have the tools to manage it.
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. So, never give up but rise up!” – Gandhi
Things that catch your attention at tough times
Real friends never leave you in trouble. However, if they can’t positively contribute to solving our issue, then we shouldn’t blame them from taking a step back and reevaluating the situation. Loyal people should never give up on you. However, who you are as an individual will play a huge role when it comes to loyalty. If toxic is written all over your face, don’t expect people to linger for too long.
Nevertheless, there are people who will put you down in life no matter how hard you try to stand, mock your dream, challenge your personality. They will look like as if they are winners but in actual fact, They are only voicing out their insecurities and jealousy. change your focus on you, and on happiness, and if you can, and on helping others when you get to the place where you can. That is where true clarity begins.
Don’t let anybody pull you down. Believe and accept yourself and hold onto what you believe in. When you have to start compromising yourself or your morals for the people around you, it’s probably time to change the people around you. Appreciate those who love you and help those who need you, forgive those who hurt you and forget those who leave you and never let anyone leave you empty! Focus on claiming your destiny
How to attract someones attention through deeds
When we discuss our passion and purpose; we also talk of self-love; courage; forgiveness, and staying positive. This is easy to say but not easy to do.
Yeah! Easier said than done. Forgiving someone should be easy. Trusting them again is a very different story. But note, the people you are reliant upon, must depend on you in some way or form too. Single sided dependency leads to exploitation. Don’t seek attention off those, to whom you come across as vulnerable. Create attention, don’t seek it and if you are doing the right things, the right attention from the right people will fall into place.
Good deeds attracts more good deeds, and appreciation. Bad energy can’t survive in a crowd of good energy. A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself. Besides, the more you know who you are, and what you want, the less you let things upset you. Knowledge of reality is generally a good thing to have, so if there’s no significant reason to lie, it’s obvious that you should tell the truth, and not lie. So a lot of the time you can avoid lying.
Inside the fight for people’s attention
You should never have to fight for someone’s time, love, or attention, if it’s not freely given. Life can be harsh sometimes, you might feel demotivated, of how people might behave. Do not allow negative people to turn you into one of them. Fight it, then replace it with the new ones who are positive and who really care.
We are human beings of course not alike and with different attitudes and disciplines. Accordingly do not await that all people in your life would care or grant attention.
Life tests us; pushes and pulls us in ways that we cannot understand. We are tempted to reach for the “easy” button when people/things in our life become difficult. It seems easy just to give in or give up when it hurts and when it gets hard.
Visualizing why we shouldn’t fight for people’s attention is absolute requirement to find the right relationship when we believe in ourselves and do our duty without expectations. Then realize that a person who makes us feel significant and visible with indifference does deserve us.
We all deserve someone who, with their attention, makes us feel present and important. We therefore should show respect & love but should never ever beg because we deserve someone that does more and say less.
You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading the last one. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Don’t be a wallflower and expect results. Project a positive image with impact and get people to notice you for the right reasons. It isn’t about fighting its about being purposeful and strategic.
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