Beginners Guide to Data Science, Real life Applications and Security

A beginners guide to Data science

Data science is generally a great and trending career option that students around the world opt for  in the present day.

To become that trending career option, it must have a wide range of benefits, scope and application. In this article therefore, I will talk about the different applications in the real world including safety processes.


Discussion Rundown:

Search engines and Digital advertisement :

Image and Speech recognition
Delivery Logistics
Risk and fraud detection
Cloud safety 
Loss of Control over data
Online Hijack/ Snooping

Additional content

  • What to Expect From New Educational Programs : 

Internet and Education beyond Boundaries

Thriving Examples

Knowing the Facts


Search engines and Digital advertisement

All the popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. Use the algorithms of data science to deliver the best results which are searched for in very little time. Without its algorithms, search engines would not be able to provide thousands of results in a few seconds. It is also used for digital marketing.

loss of control over data, search engines and digital advertisement, Beginners Guide to Data Science, Real life Applications and Security, Amazon, loss of control over data, search engines and digital advertisement, Beginners Guide to Data Science, Real life Applications and Security



Starting from digital billboards to various digital display banners used in different websites.

These digital advertisements can be created on the basis of the past behavior of the user and algorithms in data science helps in recording those past behaviors of the user and then providing that information to create a new advertisement which can influence the user effectively.

It also acts as a recommendation system as it records data and provides results according to the recorded data. Big companies like Amazon, Twitter, Netflix and many more use these algorithms to provide the users with the product that is required.

Image and Speech recognition

When a user uploads his or her picture on some social platforms like Facebook or Instagram, the user is provided with an automatic mechanized tag suggestion facility.

This feature uses algorithms of data science for tagging and face recognition. It also provides some advance searching features like searching different pictures just by uploading a similar picture so the user doesn’t have to know the details of the picture in order to find it, else he or she can just upload the picture on the search engine and different results similar to the uploaded picture will be given.

This feature uses the face recognition algorithms provided in data science. It is also used for speech recognition feature. It converts the words spoken by a person into text.

The speech recognition system is a sub part of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which falls under data science. Popular AI products like Siri and Cortona uses this feature to execute the given task.

Manpower Development Impacts On Organizations

Delivery Logistics

Popular companies like DHL, FedEx, UPS etc. use data science to upgrade and improve their efficiency to operate.

It can be used to find the best possible routes for shipping; the best time to deliver the products, the best possible mode of transportation which also helps in reducing the total cost of the company.

Moreover, the data which are generated by these companies with the help of the GPS that they use can be explored to a huge extent with the help of data science.

Risk and fraud detection

Companies have started using data science to save themselves from the losses and bad debts that they face every year.

Over these years, the financial institutions have learned the ways to divide and then conquer through different methods like customer profiling, analyzing past expenditures and other important factors to check the probabilities of fraud and risk. It has also helped the financial institutions to push banking products based on the customer’s purchasing capability.

Cloud safety – Is Cloud Sill Safe 

It’s quite simple to know where a file goes when you save it on your personal computer. It’s active inside your physical hard drive, may be housed under a folder you have created manually. That particular file is only stored on your personal computer except you choose to email it to yourself or save it on an external portable hard drive like USB.

Cloud storage has eventually become the norm and has stopped topping any new technology trend lists as it has matured and become mainstream in 2019.

However, as with every type of technology, whether it is virtual or physical, IT professionals around the world have warned of the security risks associated with using cloud storage services. Today, security is the single concern for non-adoption of cloud storage as a primary file sharing service. There are several uncertainties or risks connected with third-party cloud storage service, here are 3 of them to focus on.

Loss of Control over data:

With cloud services like Microsoft Azure, Dropbox, Google Drive, I Cloud etc. becoming a regular part of life, people are dealing with newer security issues such as controlling the integrity of the data, almost every day.

The issue here is that, when you are using 3rd party file sharing service, the data is originally getting transferred from your personal computer to a remote server.

Which implies that the data’s privacy settings are beyond the reach of the up-loader of the file owner. Since most of the cloud service providers generally emphasize on real-time backup, most of the time data that wasn’t meant to be shared can end up being uploaded into the cloud.

The most effective way to reduce this risk is to ensure your provider of cloud service encrypt your file automatically when it’s being backup within range of 128- 256 bit. End to end encryption will help to secure your file with cryptography so an unauthorized person on the other end can’t see it.

Online Hijack/ Snooping:

Files uploaded in the cloud are among the most susceptible to being hacked without proper measure in place.

The fact that whenever or wherever you are transferring the data via the internet it’s become a security risk since hackers can intercept the data package.

The best way to prevent this to secure or encrypt your file first locally then upload it in the cloud. You can use software like Cryptomator to encrypt the files. It uses state of the art encryption points which secure file before being uploaded.

However, you need to remember that you should memorize the paraphrase  else you won’t  get back the files you are upload in future when you wish to access.

So, is the Cloud still safe today?

– Not Safe Enough should be my perfect response for the question.

Performance Appraisal, Importance and Organizational Effects

What to Expect From New Educational Programs

Internet and Education beyond Boundaries

The extent to which the internet has become indispensable to our daily lives cannot be understated simply based off the utility and capabilities provided by the worldwide web.

With its growth, there have been a surge of internet oriented services for specialized needs, and one of the industries that embraced this was education.

Aside from having established their own digital presence, it allows prospective students from across the globe to sign up for a variety of programs to help grow as individuals and strengthen their academic and professional capacities.

This may be a diploma, certificate or even a full-time degree course that can be accessed from a remote location. Although, recent trends indicate a period of growth for certification programs geared toward creating skill-sets aimed at making candidates directly contribute more to their professional lives through the expertise of the program.

Roles Information Technology Advisors Play In Businesses

The discussion surrounding certification programs rest largely upon its direct benefits and impacts. For instance, it allows professionals who have successfully completed the course to command a better pay scale, with tangible proof of their enhanced capabilities, and organizations take care to align their roles in accordance with their new skill sets.

It is a dynamic, pro-active approach at helping a promising employee grow alongside their company or institution through their professional development and contributions.

Moreover, they require a more modest investment in time and resources, so as to not put immediate financial strain on the candidate, alongside the pressures of both a full time job, and commitment to a long term education program.

Often times, professionals are required to put aside their professional aspirations for the sake of personal growth and experience, but with the help of the internet, educational programs like this can help shape a better precedent for the corporate world’s approach to developing its workforce.

Thriving Examples

Keeping that facet of the popularity behind certifications in mind, it is the responsibility of human resources professionals within an organization to develop and operate a managerial system to help develop promising employees.

Much of the time management responsibilities rest on them, and their input is valuable when determining strategically if certifications are the way to go.

Incidentally, the human resources industry has taken strongly to the idea of these programs, with their industry being one of the most prime examples of success within the online education industry to incorporate internet based learning into their qualification structure.

As such, HR certifications are a hugely popular phenomenon, which have been training young professionals all across the globe at different stages of their career.

Certifications are often a kind of “trial by fire” for experienced candidates seeking to expand their roles in an organization or seek entry into Human Resources from another industry.

It is finding a home in other industries as well, serving core training functions at IT companies for coding and programming and analysis oriented industries like data science, investment banking, security and recently, even in the expanding blockchain (cryptocurrency) industry set on being a revolution in its own right.

Knowing the Facts

Some core understandings about the nature of these programs is essential when making decisions about if they are beneficial to the growth of a professional.

It is often a personal decision and it is important to understand how it works, and identify potential pitfalls for the sake of our own benefit.

Firstly, certification institutions are only as good as their reputation and quality of services, and it is important to remember that a candidate must ensure that the course they are applying for is held to a global standard of achievement, that is, it is recognized as a mark of credibility and this often depends on the institutions and its educational history.

These are among the most important choices that a candidate must make. Identifying which certification is right for you is also important, as they function as a credibility check only if this can be verified at regular intervals after which the candidate must take the next program in order to progress the growth of their skill-set or retake their original with updated material to retain their certification- this is done every few years so it is a periodic investment that must be done according to the needs of the candidate.

Figuring out which program is right for you, and then sticking by towards maintaining credentials or improving their level of mastery by undertaking a higher level course must be decisions that are taken in context of the professional’s work experience and history.

There are barriers of entry to higher level courses, meaning that those who wish to access these other courses must have attained job experience through their previous certification.

While most entry level courses can be taken by anyone, allowing numerous employment opportunities, more advanced courses require a foundation upon which they can build on.


As the strength of our global inter-connectivity continues to grow, programs like these are gaining more ground and a higher capacity to help create lasting change in the lives of the global workforce, seeking to bridge some fundamental boundaries that separate us economically and geographically to help promote a more global work culture as well as a dedicated approach toward mutual growth of capabilities and scope, to help build a brighter future as we move toward a more independent, technologically-driven tomorrow.




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