The Profile and Influence of Brigette Hyacinth

Profile and Influence of Brigette Hyacinth

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Brigette Hyacinth is a bestselling Author, and an International Keynote Speaker on Leadership, Management, HR, Digital Transformation and Artificial Intelligence and Media Influencer. Studied at Heriot-Watt University From Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Brigette Hyacinth is the Founder of MBA Caribbean Organisation which was established in 2008. Conduct seminars and workshops in leadership, management and education as well as provide motivational speeches. with about 25,800 followers on facebook, 15,800 followers on twitter and overwhelming 2 million plus followers on the worlds largest job and cooperate social media platform LinkedIn. An avid networker

Why do job seekers follow Bridget?

According to her, “Not because I am an Influencer but because I sincerely care. I want to bring change to the recruiting process. Even if one person gets a job, I would be the happiest person.

Job searching is emotionally draining. No one should have to go through this alone. I think everyone should support jobseekers’ posts. It takes a second, but may change someone’s life.

LinkedIn isn’t only about entertainment. It’s about networking. Let’s help each other out! “We cannot help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”

Brigette Hyacinth most liked article for 2019 got over 583,000 likes and was published on JUNE 11th 2019

See 10 motivational quote posts from Brigette Hyacinth that got great interaction

  1. Everyone you meet is fighting a battle we know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
  2. A 4 year degree attained after 7 years is still a degree. A graduation at 50 is still a graduation. A business started at 65 is still a business. You are never too old to have a new dream… It’s okay to start over. Don’t let people confine you with their timelines of success.
  3. Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. Your better days are ahead of you, not behind you. The best is yet to come!
  4. The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. A little patience my dear. Keep going. Don’t give up. Your time will come.
  5. The biggest factor in whether you succeed or fail at work is… your boss. If your boss doesn’t like you it’s a losing battle. They can easily set you up to fail. If you worked under a bad boss you will truly understand this. A Good boss is better than a good company!
  6. Try never to be the smartest person in the room, and if you are, I suggest you invite smarter people… or find a different room – Micheal Dell
  7. No matter the challenge. Get up. Dress up. Show up and NEVER GIVE UP!
  8. To build a strong team, you must see someone else’s strength as a complement to your weakness, not a threat to your position or authority – Christine Caine
  9. Don’t be impressed by:
    – Money
    – Degrees
    – Job Titles
    Be impressed by:
    – Humility
    – Integrity
    – Kindness
  10. Never let  your passionate people become quiet

Want to Connect with Brigette Hyacinth? Follow her on LinkedIn

Brigette Hyacinth is an author of 4 Books and all available on Amazon:

brigette hyacinth

  1. “The Future of Leadership: Rise of Automation, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence”
  2. “Purpose Driven Leadership: Building and Fostering Effective Teams”
  3. “​The Ultimate Leader: Learning, Leading and Leaving a Legacy of Hope”
  4. “The Edge of Leadership: A Leader’s Handbook for Success”

Brigette Hyacinth has been ranked among:

Top 100 Most Influential people of African Descent under 40.
Top 20 EMEA-Based Tech Experts to inspire Digital Transformation Efforts.
Top 100 HR Influencers (Leadership & Development) of 2018 & 2019.
Top 50 most influential women on LinkedIn and most recently the most followed woman from South America on LinkedIn

Brigette  is a keynote speaker on Nov. 15th Caribbean Leadership Series. Leading in the Age of AI. Also Keynote speaker at the Netherlands on September 19 & 20 -at The Hague, speaking at the Rise and Lead Summit. “Leading in the Age of AI”

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