Both Republican & Democrat Legislation Hurt America

core american values

Discussing the Core American Values and the effect of legislation over years

A good friend, whose mind I respect and whose opinion I value a lot noted that recently I appear to be mouth for the liberal democratic party in my Facebook links. While it is true that many of the links I have posted lately seem to attack the right, I will post this disclaimer. For the most part, and there are exceptions, both parties have made over the past many years, legislative moves that have hurt the poor and even the middle class. Both parties have consistently legislated in such a way that we now have a government that is of the rich, for the rich by the rich.

I believe, as a Christian that this reflects a loss of moral compass. I believe that what I see happening is a path that leads us down into oppression. We are, in spite of the the fact that many do this in the name of going BACK to core American values, moving away from what I believe are core American values. And certainly it violates, from my perspective, the heart of what Jesus taught.

We have moved from being concerned about people, to being concerned about corporations

We have gone from wanting to create equality, to legislating inequality

We have gone from protecting the vulnerable to taking advantage of the vulnerable ( think about a state that currently is seeking to lower the age at which young people can work while in school, and at the same time lower the amount they have to be paid. So you have vulnerable young people working for almost nothing? That may seem like a win/win, but really it is a win/lose and such a law would be abused).

On the US Gun Control and NRA Debate

We have gone from those who have resources giving, so that all have enough, to those who have hording, and thus depriving others of what they need to flourish.

I know my friend may not agree on much of this. But it is how I see it. I believe my frame of reference is scriptural. I believe the Christ I believe in would be horrified by what is happening in America. I think he would weep.

Yes, I am passionate about the issue of providing health care and education and mental health care to those who need it. I think that as a Christian that is what I am called to do. And if that means some cost to me, a little less abundance, than so be it! Raise my taxes! I am good with that. I will still have plenty on which to live. More importantly I believe I will be living my life the way God wants me to live it. I think to the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes. That miracle had at its base the ability of those in the crowd who “had” to let go of what they had, and place it in Jesus’ hands, so that all could have enough.

That story needs to be America’s story. We are afraid, it appears, that if we give we won’t have enough. But God promises otherwise. And I am convinced that in fact the opposite is likely to be true. If we hug our treasures to ourselves, we will eventually lose it all (and yes, there is another parable that says just that – look it up). So we need to believe God’s version of the story, that if we give, and share, and take care of the vulnerable in our midst, that we will be OK. More than OK.

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So my dear friend! Thank you for making me think about what I have been saying! Sorry it seems one sided. I suppose I have risked offending people I like and respect. Even people in my church. And my community, and I am a public figure of sorts. And such outspokenness may have its cost. But I hope for all of you who might wonder about where I am coming from, this might explain at least a little bit. I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I am just a person who believes that my job is to try and be part of God’s Irresistible Revolution (thanks Shane Claiborne )

Stephen Paul Kliewer


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