Communicating with Children and the importance of listening
Yes. It’s vital to establish strong communication links so when they hit a problem or make some bad decisions and fall, they know that you will be there to pick them up dust them, listen to them, hug them and put your arms over their shoulder and walk through the tough times together. That’s called family and to be able to listen and build Effective communication with children begins with listening to them first as tender and delicate as they are.
Focused on the very foundation of child-parent relationship and nothing is more important than listening for only such gives clues about what may follow. This is such an important message, which gets lost in the business of parenting. Parents believe they know what their children want or need, when in truth they are basing this on their beliefs and views, not on the experiences of the child.
Listening in Building Effective Communication with ChildrenĀ
Turn your cell phone off at dinner time and pay attention to what your wife and children want to tell you. The kids will remember you put aside the phone and gave them the time and attention they need and deserve. Attention to your child gives them courage to explore the world with the experience of your life. make them grow and live them with confidence.
Listening is the starting point of the bond of trust and friendship with children. Treat them as equals. Listen to what they have got to say…have your heart in listening to them. Not only listen, but encourage them to talk, about anything, anytime, anywhere. That will carry forward
1. Listen without judgement – Stop thinking. Simply hear them out. Once they complete, take a bit to think and then engage with them.
2. Listen attentively – listening, while you scroll down social media posts or your emails is as good as not listening to them.
3. Listen staying focused on them – it’s easy to start advising them or directing them, even before they have completely conveyed their point.
Listening is the way to establish trust in family relationships or any other relationships. When your kids are comfortable talking with you, they will be open to long-term trust so that if they have problems, they will want to talk about them with you. Bonding with your children early is much better than later. Never give up though on your kids. It’s never too late to let them know that you and they can change to develop more positive relationships with them.
Advice to Parents on Building Effective Communication with Children
Pay attention to everything your child tells you. Listen to their stories and enjoy with them. Don’t just tell them to consider you as their best friend, show them by being one. Let them flourish with your trust, guidance, and support. If your child counts you among their best friends, they’ll never hide anything from you.
It increases their trust, confidence, and affirms that they have “a voice in this world and deserves to be heard.” Being available emotionally helps everyone.
Children learn a lot about how to act by watching their parents. The younger they are, the more cues they take from you. Before you lash out or blow your top in front of your child, think about this: Is that how you want your child to behave when angry? Be aware that you’re constantly being watched by your kids. Studies have shown that children who hit usually have a role model for aggression at home.
Bringing up children is not as simple as just listening. children are authentic and translucent in depth. If they were to confide in you later in life, its all about trust. Listening is only one important one aspect of creating trust.
If you don’t listen now the pattern will set in and they won’t talk to you as they grow older. Then when you want them to talk to you, they are too busy because they don’t see the value in the conversation. You are setting the foundation now no matter how trivial it might be.
While enjoying effective communication with children, model the character you wish to see in them too. Respect, friendliness, honesty, kindness, tolerance. Exhibit unselfish behavior. Do things for other people without expecting a reward. Express thanks and offer compliments. Above all, treat your kids the way you expect other people to treat you.
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