Difference Between Code-Switching, Vernacular & Pidgin

Difference Between Code-Switching, Vernacular & Pidgin

In any of code-switching and pidgin, there is no generalized or approved method which is grammatically wrong or correct pattern of writing or speaking them, But there could be argument on whether respective languages when spoken during code-switching should be grammatically correct to enable swift understanding during transition between those dialects being used.

Vernacular which is basically a particular dialect or individual language has its own way and pattern of writing and use.

Differences and Explanation

Code-Switching :

This is an act of going through a conversation using more than one language.

Sometimes this is done to make clarity on a particular word in a seemingly foreign language which could be misunderstood or misinterpreted.

A Spanish switching from English back to spanish to help the listener understand better. This listener could be Mexican, Argentine, Venezuelan, a Puerto Rico person or any spanish speaking person.

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A widely spoken language known to a particular ethnicity, tribe,  community,  geographical area or race.

This is often one’s original language at birth, Unique to every commoner in that setting with an average fluency of say 70%.

A man from England speaking English speaks vernacular, same applies to an Anambra man speaking Igbo or a Filipino speaking Tagalog, This languages are often taught in schools in these communities to help enhance writing in own native dialect and language.


This is a compromise language formation to enable two or more people with different and uncommon language  understanding make simplify communication

In most cases, this formation is often broadened and developed for further and wider usage.

This is often a mix of different languages without order or clear switch, it is inventive and serves the purpose of that conversation. It is more oral and happens initially on necessity basis.

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For effective communication, One has to chose which best suits the purpose of conversation. Except for where vernacular is the official language like in England, China, Spain Portugal, There is a huge use of code switching.

In countries where there are various languages and whose official and general language isn’t the local dialect of her vast majority, Pidgin tends to help enhance communication.

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