Never Put Limits on your Dreams and Abilities by Counting Age

Never Put Limits on your Dreams and Abilities by Counting Age

Counting Age – Reducing Potentials

– Counting the age is just like waiting for the end (death). Never count your age and do whatever you want to do in your capacity, this is the best way to keep your body and mind fit irrespective of your age. 

When one has enough work, tasks, or activities to engage in, where is the time to count. If and when one counts, why not invest it into counting the blessings to date? Count how many blessed you via their tasks, how many you blessed through your actions. Now we wouldn’t have enough time to do the counting, so why counting age?

“ never count your money, when you are sitting at the table, there will be time enough for counting when the dealing is done.” Kenny Rogers.

Age is a matter of mind. You are as old as you portray yourself to be. It’s irrelevant to what you want to accomplish in life. It is a matter of feelings not

Here is the Right Time to get your Life Purpose Figured Out

Never stop to dream !!!
Every day is a new beginning !!!
Every day takes some new discover !
Who thinks to be old….
He who has already given up!

Great thoughtfulness of making every moment count towards perfection and for the betterment of our being as a person, live your life forget your age. Be at your best! Age doesn’t matter. It’s just a threatening illusion. When you say it, you mean it and when you say it, you do it

Never allow your age deliberation keep you from doing something in life. Life is short. Who really wants to live with a bunch of regrets, we delayed ourselves by placing age limit on our dreams, making every moment count towards perfection and for the betterment of our being as a person

As Far as You Don’t Give Up, Here is the Next Phase

Age should not limit you to continue to dream, learn, achieve, and most of all conquer your destiny, longevity thrives on this life philosophy & practice and not by counting age. People have no clue about your spine situation and try not to tell them , unless it’s important to the conversation! Stay positive and do the best you can, the only limits you have are the ones you self impose. There is always a way, you just need to have the desire to find it.

To be happy, please don’t count your age


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