Various Factors Influencing Food Habits

Fast foods Technological Effects On poor Food Habits

Food habits refer to the way in which a group of people select, prepare and serve food.  It includes the number of times the meals are eaten in a day, when the meals are eaten and with whom the food is eaten.

Technological Effects On poor Food Habits
Technological Effects On Food Habits

Factors Influencing Food Habits

There are numerous factors that influence our food habits.  Below are some of the factors:

–  Family tradition or custom              –     Geographical location

–  Religious beliefs                                          –     Education

–  Technological advancement                       –     The mass media

–  Income                                                         –     Inter tribal marriages

–  Health needs                                                            –     Foreign Influences

–    Values and goals

Proper Toilet Sitting Behavior And Squat Potty Benefits

Technology has influenced several areas in connection with food. The method of food cultivation has changed. The invention of good storage facilities such as fridges and freezers, cold stores and vans has made food available in the country throughout the year.   Apart from these,  technology brought about  gas cookers, blenders, microwave and pressure cookers.  Now we are packing a lot of foods in plastic bags and containers with food labels instead of leaves.

The Mass Media

Closely related to education and technological advancement is the advent of the mass media. We have all been reading magazines that have recipes.  We can practice preparing the dishes from the magazines. We watch “Maggi Kitchen” on the television. We listen to the radio about nutrition.  The posters also have items on nutrients and food.  All these can and do change our food habits both positively and negatively.


Income has a lot of influence on food habits.  If one has money, the person can buy foods that are unavailable in the locality.  The person can also buy storage and labour-saving devices.  Cooking can be less tedious and more interesting.  Rich people can buy labour by employing chefs and househelps.  Poverty is a prime reason why food may be unavailable to a number of people in the country.

Health Needs/States

Most of our herbal medicines often go with some food prohibitions.  The types of food that are prohibited depend on the type of sickness.  Modern treatment also goes with appropriate foods depending on the type of sickness or the health needs of the person.  If you have jaundice, you will be advised to keep away from alcohol, fatty and fried foods for the period.  If you are overweight or obese the medical practitioner and the dietician will advise against refined sugar, fats and other carbohydrate foods.  Instead, fruits and vegetables should form a greater part of the person’s diet.  The size of the meal should also be reduced.  Our needs will override our wants.


Several people now request for fried rice when they eat out. A lot of us have pride when people see us eating apples instead of oranges and cornflakes instead of our local delicacies.  All these have arisen as a result of people travelling around Europe, Asia and America.

Values and Goals

If the family values good health, the goal will be geared toward good nutrition.  If one has the goal of good nutrition then that individual will make sure that budget for food is adequate. Food is influenced by the value placed on some food items and the characteristics of food, such as flavor.


Mobile games, Movie distractions,  Resulting arguments, TV games, betting has had its turn too. with massive negative impact on feeding especially with its’ timing and obsession.

Effects of Food Habits on Nutritional Status

Several individuals and families practice certain peculiar food habits. Some individuals become so obsessed with control over their bodies that they usually resort to drastic measures to reduce weight.

Adolescents and young women now rely on pastries and s junk foods that mainly supply carbohydrates and fats only, some skip meals owing to the demands of work and some others to reduce body fat.

The nagative effects of some food habits can be outlined as follows: 

  • i) Poor food habits may result in nutritional deficiencies such as calories and iron.
  • ii) As we skip foods, our meals may lack variety.
  • iii) Poor food habits may result in nutritional excesses such as fat and carbohydrates resulting in overweight and obesity.
  • iv) Overeating can result in excess vitamins that can be injurious to health.
  • v) Good nutritional habits promote healthy growth and good development of the human being.

Energy Utilization, Metabolism and Body Weight

The following guidelines can assist in selecting meals. 

–  Eat a variety of foods since no one food can provide all the required nutrients in the correct proportions.

–  Maintain desirable weight.  Choose nutritious foods and exercise.

–   Avoid foods that have too much fat (saturated fats) and cholesterol.  Choose lean meat and poultry.  Boil, broil or bake rather than fry foods.

–  Eat foods with adequate starch and fibre.

–  Avoid too much sugar.

–  Avoid alcoholic beverages.

–  As much as possible, eat regularly.  Avoid pastries for snacks.

Explanation of Food Culture

You might have realized that if you give the same food items to people from different ethnic groups, you are sure to get different types of meals or dishes prepared from the food items.  What do you think account for the differences?

Food culture refers to the relationship between food and man.  It covers eating habits and choices of what man usually finds eatable and what is rejected, how the food is treated and handled right down to the final dish served.

Food habits are most times learnt from parents. In over 90% of the world today, Mothers usually do the cooking at home.  Mothers also learnt what to select as food from their mothers.  Our sisters, cousins and other women will also copy from their mothers.  Food habits therefore become part of the socialization process.  The habits are passed on from one generation to another.

Food habits can therefore be defined as ‘the ways in which a group of people select, prepare and serve food constitute the food habits of that group.  It also includes the number of times the meals are eaten in the day, when the meals are eaten and with whom the food is eaten’.

Food: Nutrition, Food Sources And Functions

Geographical Location

The geographical location determining which food items can be available at which period of or season of the year.  Food choices are therefore made based on the foods that are available in any locality.

Religious Beliefs

Religious beliefs are closely related to superstitions.  Religion makes people develop certain feelings towards certain foods which could be seen as bad or poor food habits.  Muslims do not eat pork. Hindus don’t eat beef, Many forbid snakes too.

As religion and culture place the prohibitions on the consumption of certain foods, the practice becomes the pattern for the consumption of certain foods; the practice becomes sources of superstition beliefs among the people.  Often threats are associated with the prohibitions.  An example from Ghana in West Africa.  is that pregnant women are not supposed to eat snails because their children will have a lot of flow of saliva.  People become afraid to break the rules of eating due to these superstitions.


When we attend schools away from our traditional areas, we come into contact a lot of things that influence our traditional food habits.  For example, our friends invite us to eat with them.  We then get used the new foods and we learn the method cooking them.  Thus, we are educated informally on how to cook the food.  This may force us to abandon or add the new style to our own way of cooking that food.    we read about food and nutrients and also how to prepare and preserve the nutrients.  Some of are also taught how to prepare certain dishes.  All these change our food habits.  The changes can be both good and bad.  Education has made women work out of home so eating times have changed. Educated people can plan and budget for their meals and avoiding the poor feeding habits.


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