Clapping for Yourself – Finding Ways to Appreciate Yourself
We really need to clap for ourselves at times even if it means doing silently. We tend to consistently criticize ourselves for our failures yet forget that we also have our share of winnings. At the end of the day, we are our most genuine fan, not those who clap provided we do not outshine them. You can’t let the absence of others stop you from celebrating your victories, being your best, and taking care of yourself. You must find ways to appreciate yourself.
Self-motivation and hard work pay off as you build your own history which no one can take from you. Self-motivation influences success in all spheres of life. You are your own best friend, so please go ahead and clap for yourself. Welcome the doubt of others; it’s an opportunity to open your mind and shine. Consistent work can make anything possible; it reveals the true you. Self-motivation and hard work pay off as you build your own history which no one can take from you.
An Igbo proverbial phrase, translated to English, says, “The Lizard that jumps from an Iroko tree would nod its head in self-praise even when no one claps for it.” It’s great to have external support, but it’s what we believe about ourselves that’s far more important. People will wonder just how you do it, how you smile, nod, and have great inner satisfaction and contentment. No one can take that away from you. “Push yourself to do more and better”, then clap for yourself too.
The Limit to Self-appreciation
“All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure.” — Mark Twain
Do not let your success get into your head. Yes, be motivated and consistent, yet be humble and integrious at all times. Ignore all negativity, embrace all positivity, and pamper positive people who are the source of your confidence. Ignorance means you don’t “know better,” so you will go forward without as many fears. Ignorance allows you to act; confidence fuels your action. (Then, hopefully, as you go, you learn more). Ignorant and confident people are so sure about themselves no matter what it is they’re involved in. On the contrary, knowledgeable and non-confident folks are constantly hesitant and unsure about their stuff.
Ask yourself: “Will what I am bring me what I really want?” Be what you want!
Today, be what you want.
If you want love, be loving.
Want peace? Then, be peaceful.
If you want fun, be funny.
Care for something “new”? Be different.
If you want adventure, be open.
Aiming success? Be alive.
If you want joy, be kind.
Be what you want!
Maybe life is all about being first after all! Not so fast. Being first is about consciousness, not competitiveness, i.e., “as you sow, so shall you reap.” To be loved, you have to be willing to love first; to be cherished, you have to be willing to give respect first; to be heard, you have to be willing to listen first; and to experience forgiveness and freedom, you have to be willing to forgive first. The only way to get to happiness is to be happy already. Appreciate yourself, clap for yourself and be find the motivation even when no one cares.
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