Know Your Value and learn how to Keep only the Right People Around
What did Steve Jobs and Jesus Christ of Nazareth have in common? They Surrounded themselves with people to help ensure their success. People who settle for a life less than their best are called Lemon Lifers and they live the Lemon Life. When you know your value, no one can make you feel worthless.
Everyone you meet:
- – Has something to teach you
– Something to learn from you
– Has a problem of their own
– Can help you
– You could help them.
Knowing and understanding your value is empowering as you know you will not accept any less than your worth. Be humble, be kind, but believe in yourself. You will feel at ease, more able to grow and improve when surrounded by similar individuals who can appreciate and empower your value.
Surround yourself with people that want more out of life. That won’t settle for average. People that you can connect with on a deeper level. Keep your circle fresh.
Keep your circle full of quality rather than quantity. Full of cool ass humans that you can be yourself around. People that fill you up with nothing but love. People that want to see you succeed. People that GET IT.
Good circle, good life – Genereux Philip.
We must live a life that is not geared towards living today but our existence after existing and exiting the earth. We must think of our footprints that will long exist after our existence come to its ebb. We must get reasons for existing. For what reasons are you existing, without taking care of people’s minds
People who don’t appreciate the value that you bring will always try to hold you back. Who decides whose life is more important than another life just because of status? They will know you by your works. This qualifies your presence. The world judges us by our works. But only one judge is needed. You yourself should know your value, know what you did to validate your works, your sweat, your tears, and your pain.
Ways to Love, Cherish, Know your Value and Value Yourself
- Don’t compare yourself with others.
- Don’t worry about being accepted by others.
- Recognize your intrinsic self-worth as a human being.
- Do the best with what you have, regardless of circumstances.
- Focus on serving and helping others.
- Live life moment to moment.
- Pursue a worthy dream.
- Rejoice in your uniqueness.
Whenever you/yourself value something, you can consider it important and worthwhile for example if you/yourself value someone’s opinion, you/yourself will ask that person’s advice before making a big decision because value has to do with how much something is worth either in terms of cash, importance, authority, power and/or control and “you/your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.” and“make sure you/yourself don’t start seeing yourself through the eyes of those who don’t value you know your worth even if they don’t.”
“Five Things We Cannot Change” by David Richo
- Everything changes and ends.
- Things do not always go according to plan.
- Life is not fair.
- Pain is part of life.
- People are not loving and loyal all the time.
it is also unhealthy to stay with those who don’t know your value. But on the other hand simply one should not over value. There are instances people think their value this much but actually if one goes to see it is not that much.
Nevertheless, always know that…
“Straight roads do not make good drivers.”
Wasting time with the wrong association is wasting your life. You just never know when you will be out of time. Our lives are made of moments. Most are fairly normal, but many are special. If we take time to make each moment a little more special, and some of them a lot more special, you begin to see why ignoring to know your value and wasting time is wasting some of the best moments of your live. If we know our value and manage our time, keep the waste to a minimum and work at making the most of what value, time and associations we have, we enrich our lives. By extension, we also enrich the lives of the others with whom we share our time. When we love life, we live it to the fullest, and waste as little as possible.
There’s no time for wrong associating, making excuses and succumbing to your fears. I know it can be hard, but you will ultimately die if you lose focus not to know your value, so why not make the best of your life? Don’t waste time, instead start boldly moving towards your dreams and getting those who know your value and worth around you. You will definitely make mistakes along the way, so stay humble and stay in the now.
Life is only traveled once; today’s moment becomes tomorrow’s memory. Enjoy every moment, good or bad, just know your value because the GIFT of LIFE is LIFE itself
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