Do You Know When to Walk Away?

Knowing When to Walk Away

When You Have To Walk Away

The secret to surviving is simply knowing when and what to throw away and knowing what to keep.

Every hand is a winner, still every hands loses. enduring hardships and toughing it out in difficult situations is often perceived as an act of bravery, however, sometimes it takes more guts to walk away from something familiar and start all over.

It does take even more bravery to walk away. Sadly,  it feels like quitting or failure to some persons.

Taking a step back is always a good idea. Problem solving and figuring out why we are confronted by certain situations over and over again. A poet once wrote, you can run away but you will always find yourself and you cant run away from yourself. No matter where you go.

There are times when a person must leave a lousy situation; however before that happens, make sure everything has been done to make it better. There are times when a change in perspective, an attitude adjustment a meaningful conversation is all it takes. In any failure, there’s always personal responsibility. There are people in this world who leave behind on disappointment only to recreate it again elsewhere.

Look in the mirror more, consider your role and make sure that before the decision is to made, that you have considered all possibilities. Consider involving someone who cares about you, someone you trust to “help” make the right decision. Too often will look for someone to confirm our feelings rather than opening our minds to possibilities never considered.

Do not let anyone nor anything keep you where you know the environment is toxic. Think about it from this perspective, would you purposely live in an environment where you are perpetually, many forever or everyday and all day, breathing in cigarette smoke or second-hand smoke, but you’re not a smoker?

Since the answer is no, then why would you stay in other environment that is hurting you?

“Leave And Do Not Look Back!”

Overly persistent on something is not a good thing. It may be of better benefit if one can walk to the next suitable braver challenge. Yes, it takes a lot of will, because it’s easy to become comfortable and manage “unhealthy” situation than taking a tough step which sets one free.

Learn to step back from people who are depleting your energy – and interfering with your happiness, productivity and creativity. Set stronger boundaries – and talk to difficult people, so as not to escalate conflict.

There Comes a Moment when You have to Walk Away

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