The Limits of Loyalty: Why even Loyal People have their Limits

The Limits of Loyalty: Why Even Loyal People Have their limits

The Limits of Loyalty

Everything and everyone has a limit. It is unfortunate that we try so hard to push to and past the limit. It is like testing someone or something’s patience. When someone knows someone is loyal they can sometimes tend to take them for granted and then that can breed into walking all over them and never showing them appreciation and trying to stretch the limits of loyalty to give.

A loyal person should never be considered “non existent” therefore they have the right to say no. Loyalty has to be a two way street. It is like clapping with both hands… You wont make any sound with only one hand. Loyalty doesn’t mean to do away with any kind of behavior.. treat people with respect who give their 100 % to you

The only time to allow yourself to push to the limit so hard is when you are telling yourself not to give up just yet because there is something good ahead. You are on an incredible journey. It is not just about reaching the top of the peak. It’s about enjoying the growth as you climb. We live in a world where we don’t know what might happen today or tomorrow but we all know what we want to achieve in our life. All obstacles you face are designed to prepare you and train you,so don’t give up on your destiny.

A cat is friendly and loyal. But pushed to the wall, will pounce back with disastrous consequences. Loyalty is not weakness. We should never push people to the limit where they no longer care about any consequences. Loyalty costs terminations, professionalism also costs the same

The Limits of Loyalty: Why Even Loyal People Have their limits

Sometimes, people set limit for a role. A line that, if crossed, meant he/she needed to move on. No defined rules on it, you set on it – ethics, strategic direction, whether its “fun” still or not, etc. No one deserves to be cheated on, ignored or neglected. The limits are like the highway code if we don’t respect it, the consequences will be awful.

If loyalty is a bridge between two minds and each side maintains the bridge, that connection will forever remain – even in death – if one side passes the other will have prepared for success beyond themselves. Loyalty isn’t about the “me” – it’s about Loyalty.

People deserve to be cut off and have their relationships terminated if they should choose to act inappropriately, morally or otherwise. Some people who are loyal are very passionate, that’s what drove them to be loyal. Passion driven the wrong way can have disastrous consequences for you

There’s a point an extremely patient person can take and when being overly stretched, trust me you don’t want to see the other side. Situations and circumstances determines our Limits and Loyalty. Sometimes it’s only Honor that keeps some people around. If that honor isn’t reciprocated, it’s your own damn fault if they leave you.

Loyalty last until you find out what they mean to others. Everyone has limitations…even you!

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