The 8 Biggest Assets in Life
God has given these assets in abundance to everyone. It is now us who need to find it. As some of us have all, some others aspire to have some, but what we are running behind is in ourselves which calls for inner self-realization.
Now, here are the 8 biggest assets humans possess irrespective of their financial status, ethnicity or religious belief:
- Health
- Mindset
- Attitude
- Kindness
- Integrity
- Passion
- Work ethic
- Loyalty
The above values are the golden assets of every character in life.
Your health is your biggest wealth.
Your mindset determines your success.
Your attitude determines your altitude.
Kindness determines your happiness.
Integrity determines your destination.
Passion determines your personality.
Work ethic determines your results.
Loyalty determines your resilience.
Your smile determines your fulfillment.
How are they the biggest assets in life?
Health is certainly a part of maintaining all other assets. In the realities of this world, maintaining all other assets requires you to be as healthy as possible. Examples of people who lack this asset are people who have lost their senses, amputees, paraplegics, those facing enormous stress, etc. Maintaining your health, your body condition, will allow you to keep the right mindset as best as you possibly can. The others follow.
Health is the most important and biggest asset. Hear me out for second. Your body is the vehicle that will take you through your journey called life. We need to take care of it. Remember, we are primarily spirits and not bodies. This body will decay over time but our spirits live forever. Our brain is an electronic station and takes order from the subconscious mind. People confuse the brain with the mind. Nobody ever sees the mind it. It is a seeming mystery.
The difference between you and an animal is your mind, you can find everything else in an animal. So use your mind to the fullest to succeed. When we talk about mindset, we can say that a positive mindset is the best key to success, productivity, growth, and happiness.
Attitude can be controlled and you have to work on it as it is the key to creativity in life. A positive attitude always expects favorable results and that everything would turn out right. You can become a master of you mind.
“Attitude” and “mindset” (perspective) are the two attributes that will in fact govern most of one’s life experiences.
Kindness, integrity, passion—which drive our smile—and loyalty are the unique virtues that complete a personality. With these values, you can have peace of mind. If a person has all the above virtues, it is best completed with work ethics.
So let’s rewrite our biggest assets as:
Right advice;
Hard work;
Smart working;
No shortcuts;
When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; if health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.
Think about it, a dog that we all refer to as an animal has all these vital assets.
We just need to see through and take charge of our biggest assets.
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