The Many Reasons to Change your Mind when Necessary

The Many Reasons to Change Your Mind When Necessary

Why being able to change your mind is a gift.

Being able to keep your core, your values/vision/mission is a need. I feel, as a purposeful person (the rest don’t change their mind, they change excuses), you need to have a mission, a “why” and you can’t change that many times.

Think people sometimes call out this change as a contradiction in values, when it is just letting new information into our bias box

If you make a promise, someone relies on it, and then you claim you simply changed your mind there never is any strength there. That’s just being a crook whose word cannot be trusted.

Pivoting our personal mission is not an option if you want to keep being yourself. So it depends on what the subject is, and also the frequency of changing one’s mind. Some people tend to change with every change in the direction of the breeze. People may change after much thought and meditation. Some people may see that they are OK as they are.

This applies also to every project. If you pivot your mission you are starting the project from scratch. it’s a combination of ego and self doubt that stops people from changing but to keep doing the same thing the same way all the time and expect different results is Insanity.

True practitioners are not afraid to change their mind because as they go through the day to day grind, they evolve. They find a better way always. So, naturally, when they change their mind on a certain strategy of the business, they do so without hesitation, without fear. Because their gut tells them they’re right. And they usually are.

Change is a constant, and adapting to change is an exercise in intelligence, and maturity, In basketball you’ll hear coaches yelling motion, motion motion, if you stand still, change will drive past you in a heartbeat, and then you’re working from behind

40 Encouraging Quotes on Speaking the Truth that Hurts

Life is constantly changing every moment, cells in our body, the whole cosmos moving and expanding so there’s no reason to attach to an idea. Change is the only solution too all problems. it requires an open mind to change your mind on something. Most people change when they experience pain – and happens when the signals preceding the pain point are ignored:
– quiet unsettled feeling
– stronger, I feel somewhat dissatisfied with X
– the pain point of, this really not working

This is the only constant movement – like energy it can’t stand still. Our mind is our precious tool, we need to keep it updated (at least at pace of our little devices around us). Unfortunately many fail to recognize the “notification” for an update, when it comes along. Meditation is a tool for me to realize the change, observe my own patterns and by this allow the update to settle in

Change opens and sets you up for new possibilities that weren’t there before. If you don’t change your mind every now and then you’ll stay the same with same thoughts. Best of ideas come from changing your mind through new stimulus.

As new information becomes available, conditions change. When conducting checks on outcomes versus predictions and it shows negative effects, it can be in the best interest to change an decisions where necessary and employ new perspective. All too often leadership wants to hold to initial decision for fear of appearing “wrong”… what’s “wrong” is realizing a change should be made and ignoring it. It’s ego. It’s stifling

In any birthing of a vision there is a transition period (sometimes several)
And like in childbirth the Transition period is pivotal because if you stop pushing in transition you and the vision can die. Change is inevitable

In a leadership capacity, if we ignore new data and facts that present themselves in order to stick with an initial decision, we are setting ourselves and our teams/organizations up for certain failure. Pride shouldn’t get in the way of doing the right thing.

Checklist on the Addiction of Making a Better Self Daily

We all need to put on a wider lens and be open to letting someone else widen our perspective. Its a vulnerable process that takes self-love and we must remove ego. The payoff for being courageous enough and willing to shift our mindset is huge.

Learn to adjust in any and all circumstances beyond our control. We have actually adapt to change. Example if you watching or reading something something you don’t like or agree on, what do you do? You press your remote and change the channel same with your mind… you are in control with what you feed it and to be able to adjust, channel your mind is truly a gift.Why? Because most people stick around and about in the shit hole, mourn, complain, play victim and do nothing about it. So today somebody is going to say I have had enough I will pick my ass up and move my buttons I’m in control.

Mindset is absolutely everything, most people don’t focus on it because they don’t realize the VALUE. It’s like exercising a muscle. Everyday you must practice strengthening it otherwise you go back to your old ways of thinking and being. Adaptability to change is a powerful attribute. Bring it on

As you grow and learn more, previous decisions, initiatives, etc. may need to be abandoned in favor of new ones that are more in alignment with the present times – to include your core values and beliefs, direction of your daily life, etc.

It’s difficult to look back and say “I was wrong here” but you will be better off because you just identified and eliminated something that was otherwise holding you back. And others will begin to recognize that you aren’t afraid of switching gears when it’s right to do so.

Devotions for Encouragement when Waiting Patiently on God

If you change your mind about an important moral, political, or religious belief, people lose their freaking minds!! Some people flatly refuse to believe it sometimes, and treat it as if it were some kind of ruse or put-on. The very idea that anyone would rethink something so fundamental, and find that they had been wrong – UNTHINKABLE!! So what, exactly, did you believe “critical thinking” was about?

Changing your mind no matter the outcome is good for growth. Taking all hits and blows as blessings and being grateful to even have the opportunity to make the decision. It is a gift. The biggest gift when you are patient

Staying true to yourself means doing what aligns with you and your values, same with your corporation. Everything else is in a state of flux. Adaptability is a strength, lack of commitment isn’t. Change your mind, but follow with immediate action.

There’s a difference between changing your mind and being indecisive. Now thru it all, always keep the end goal in sight. There’s many ways to skin an animal just make sure the animal gets skinned.

When it works( train of thought about____) for you, when not broken,improve it, don’t fix it continue on, when it no longer works, does not get the desired results, it either needs to be tweaked, updated, or an entirely new program.

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