Common Mistakes to Avoid when Searching for Job

Mistakes to Avoid when Searching for Job

Every talk about the mistakes to avoid when searching for job simply points towards proving your worth and working to earn the position.

 So instead of waiting for opportunities to fall on your lap as a job seeker. Be consistent, persistent and take a targeted approach. You may land a job shotgunning your resume everywhere, but there’s huge doubt you will find happiness and career fulfillment.

13 common mistakes Job Seekers make?

  1.  No Daily 9-6 Job Search Routine

    Job searching should be treated as a job and should be managed on a 9am to 5pm routine. Not asking you to use all the hours to search for a job, just that you position yourself strategically in time for an opportunity to tell others, check online, and even network as regards your job search.

    Tips on How to get Well Prepared for a Job Interview

    Plan it. Schedule it like it is your job until you have a job. There are some days when lots of postings come out, other days are slow. Focused searching/sending in applications in mornings with phone calls/interviews as required. The rest of the day can be used to keep up on training/reading (PMP credits). Exercising or doing things on the giant To-do list for home.

  2. Searching Alone

    Gaining help from other people could make your job search more efficient, more successful and less stressful.

  3.  Non-ATS compliant CV/Resume.

    ( See Compliant Sample)  Someone may say hey, forget that ATS stuff, they are the equivalent of black holes that gets nobody nowhere. If you must know, whatever is worth doing is worth doing well

  4. CV/Resumes sent via email without Cover Email.

  5. CV/Resume lacks clear direction.

  6. Indeed, LinkedIn Profile is incomplete and lacks a summary plus Nairaland and other forum or blog comments lack seriousness.

  7. CV/Resume and Platform Profiles are not aligned.

  8. Unfocused networking and Application

    If you’re looking for a role in construction, don’t waste time sending your CV/Resume to bankers. Thoughts on job seekers sending 5 resumes for different jobs within same company? They’ll be flagged!! Unless, the skills are transferable, but not back to back resumes guys!

  9. No contact with recruiters.

    Some applicants respond to emails from recruiters terribly late, sometimes, after over a year. Then, they are surprised when the job has been filled. You have to participate in the process.

  10. Not searching on LinkedIn Jobs, Nairaland, #ProjectHelpYouGrow or Indeed

  11. Not practising C.A.R. technique for interviews.

  12. Not researching companies pre-interview.

  13. Making excuses instead of trying to figure out solutions.

    Not focusing on personal satisfaction and motivation. Staying motivated is really essential in this depressing situation

List Source: Kirsty Bonner on LinkedIn


The GOOD news is: All of the above mistakes are easily rectified! “Random” does not work in Job Search. Nothing replaces effort and hard work. Sure you can work smarter instead of harder as long as the results are all top notch. It is what will be expected when you get a job.

Be focused, consistent, and disciplined. I promise you, in life, effort and perseverance pay off!
Someone who’s afraid to be bold? The time may have come for you to create a plan that fits you.

Be creative. Generate big breaks for yourself by going against the norm and trying what has not been done before. And above all, sidestep these common mistakes which are only getting in your way.

Get yourself a strategy to look for a job. Are you applying both online and to recruiters? Keep notes of where you have applied and when. How well structured is your CV? So many of the points above refer to the content and format of the CV. Spend time on this. It’s critical. Always remember ATS.

Meanwhile this stuffs may hurt you terribly.

1. Listening to and believing politicians and the media who are exaggerating and sensationalizing challenges in the current job market.
2. Getting professional career advice from family, friends, teachers, and other people who are not professional career development facilitators.
3. A pessimistic perspective about finding satisfying employment, Viewing work is a distasteful chore and believing enjoyment is only for life outside the job.
4. Holding onto negative emotions about past experiences.
5. Assuming one is not able to compete for a great job because they are too old, lack experience, lack certain qualities, etc.
6. Applying for jobs they aren’t qualified for and/or don’t really want.
7. Assuming just a resume or previous job search skills are enough.
8. Trying to fit oneself to a job opening rather than seeking opportunities that fit.

Also, consider the interview as if you were a consultant. How can you help the hiring manager? What can you do to add value? How can you help them sleep better at night? When you start treating the interview as if you’re a consultant, you are confident and bold and the nerves melt away faster.


  1. Job seeking can be really draining and most times discouraging too. The number 2 (Searching alone) is so true. When looking for a job you need to tell people around you who can also be of help. Informing people around me made me get my first job. If I didn’t try to outsource, it would have taken a longer time to get a job especially as an intern.

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