Just One More, the Rise You Need to be Victorious after Many Falls

the Rise You Need

In the mathematics of assumption, assuming Falling = n, then Rising = n+1.  This  simply means Fall Seven Times but  Rise 8 Times

This was the thing which we inculcate in ourselves from the moment we learn to crawl(When we were all babies, we used to fall, again fall and then used to try harder and harder to get up again and again and this is how we learnt to stand on our foot and walk), but it’s just that we don’t realize and look at it practically about how much vital role it plays in our life. This is of immense importance to every individual. When you fall, just get up no matter what, no matter how, You need to get up! Hustle!

Sometimes the harder you fall, the stronger you rise. And it’s through this rise and fall that we discover who we are. What is important is not how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up and what you picked from the fall.

Some people have had it very easy in life, but ease is indeed a greater threat to success than downfalls and disappointments because when we fall, there are things that must be put in place in other for us to stand up better, stronger and wiser.

Things like,

1. Strategizing all over again.
2. Thinking of why we fell and lessons to take away.
3. Knowing another possible way to failure that must be avoided.

We must never talk about how strong we are or how weak other people are if we have never falling face down to the ground and stood up stronger, better and more wiser than we were before we fell.

It takes courage from within to get back up.

Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan, till you get punched in the face”. Life is going to throw many punches at us and put us down even off the mat. That’s ok. Keep getting up, stronger than before, wiser than before having learnt from your previous mistakes and keep moving forward-one step at a time, inch by inch. Onward and Upward.

The problem with waiting until tomorrow is that when it finally arrives it is called today. knowledge is power and power is knowledge when turned into action. Ambition is not what a person would do, but what a he/she does, because ambition without action is fantasy and delusion.

Here is a story of a person who once was about to loose a battle and was hiding in a cave. There in the cave, he saw an Ant trying so hard in climbing the wall, it repeatedly kept falling again and again. He kept on noticing that behavior till the time he saw that Ant finally succeed in her mission. He stood up and went to fight on for success too.

We all have insecurities. Know that you are more than you think you are! Each and every day, each and every one of us, pass through our lives with profoundly limited appreciation for our true quantum potential. We are so focused on the approval and acceptance of those we feel are on the higher groove, those we want to meet up with; hoping society will embrace our individual uniqueness and flaws.

Do You Know the Benefits of Enemies and Haters? READ THIS!!! 

No, appreciate and accept yourself, your flaws and differences. Allow only people and things that deserve you and your attention  into your life because you have people in your corner silently cheering you on. You can chose to let your difficulty define you, confine you, refine you, outshine you, or you can chose to move on and leave it behind you.. the choice is yours. Failure is not a crime, failure to learn from failure should be

The most important thing to get up after every fall/failure/disappointment and move forward staying faithful optimistic strong and positive as much as you can especially as it gets harder. It means choosing to never give up hope, and to always strive for more. It means that your focus isn’t on the reality in front of you, but on a greater vision that may not be reality yet.

“The strike that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”

If we do not fall, we will never learn how to stand steadily. Life needs that balance and the awareness that allows us to fall wisely rather than falling deadly, sometimes we never unleash our inner potential fearing the assumption of getting failed or we don’t want to cross our limits to the other side of life.

In life you have a reason to start afresh with new energy and zeal. In the Christian Bible, Samson in a moment of folly sold his life to Philistines by exposing his source of power. They shaved him and gouged out his eyes and subjected him to mockery and slavery. This did not end Samson’s story. his hair began to grow again. Do not give up or resign to a life of purposelessness and vanity. As long as you still have breath you can begin again and emerge successful.

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