The Choice to stay and remain positive
Positivity is a choice along with negativity. Some choose to be negative because that is all that they have been exposed to in life, they always look for the worst in people or outcomes.
Being positive just for the sake of it doesn’t work and unless you really understand what it means and how being truly positive affects your life. you may not feel that impact
Nothing is better than being positive and calm, giving your best despite poor showings, it means that you put your physical body and state of mind in a “smart situation” “to think better“. It is this moment our neurons need to work and run brilliantly as much as possible.
It is fundamental, if you want to live in a better way and can change your perspective on things with a real positive attitude: your life will drastically improve in ways you didn’t even think were possible, choosing to be positive will attract more encouraging experiences into your life. Nevertheless, we all have our down days, it’s about perspective. You also have the power to decide
This could prove a difficult concept to grasp unless you have put it to practice. Through practice comes mastery in part by way of understanding. To wake up miserable and consciously decide that you will be happy today and stay positive sounds slightly ridiculous, but give it a genuine chance and you will see that it works.
The strange thing about this is that if you have to “choose” positivity, then you are in a state where negativity is an option too. So there’s a bit of inertia here. There are perfectly sound arguments for negativity actually being a positive state because it helps you recognize problems and issues you need to fix. You need both to be productive. One can not live without the other. Someone who is 100% positive is probably delusional, and certainly creepy
A piece of advice, force a smile, feel the smile. This makes the transition almost instantaneous. Every time you notice that you are feeling negative, force a smile, feel the smile. The physiological effect is real.
To Choose you need Courage
To have Courage you need Truth
To have Truth you need Mindset
So, feed your Mind with Positive Thoughts and your Life is worth Living….
A positive lifestyle means a positive attitude and taking the right action. It means focusing on solutions, not on problems. It means constantly improving yourself and your way of thinking in life.
Appreciate what you have and never compare yourself with others.
On the other hand, positive thinking is a choice — the decision to focus on the possibility of good results or seek out the goodness in any situation or person (good or bad). Choose to be happy then everyone would be happy.
Choosing methods of thinking makes you happy. Focus on the good things, however small. Find humor in bad situations. Focus on the present. Start the day with positive thoughts often.
Negativity would be the opposing force to this but the source of both views are based on one’s perception of positivism or negativism, good or bad, right or wrong. The source is the ego and how it perceives the situation. No matter how hard, always have a weekly and if possible a daily plan. Failing to plan is like planning to fail. The objective gives clarity of mind and purpose for the day/ week. Clarity will give results.
Just One More, the Rise You Need to be Victorious after Many Falls
Right believing produces right living! Get your mind to be positive and see many things in your life take a turn for the better! I’ve seen it work very well for me in many areas of life.
If two people are in the same bad situation. One wallows in the misfortune, the other appreciates all the other good stuff they got going on. Which one will likely better be able to move on from the bad situation quicker? – You know the answer!!!
Life is the result of our choices. It’s way better to live a happy life with positivity. We choose to be passive or active, to be happy and take it easy or angry, to stay positive or give up. Many aspect of this life is about our choice. Whether we make the right choice or not, the safest is to always go for the positive side. It does not mean though that the problems disappear or get solved. It just simply means we approach it in a positive manner and avoid the doom and gloom of certain situations.
A good way to stay positive is to turn a negative thought into gratitude… e.g. I didn’t sleep well last night – I am grateful that I have a bed to rest.
Positivity is a choice
And a choice is yours!!
One who is strong enough from his inner soul will always go for positivity.. Cultivate the art of looking at things positively in the most adverse situations as well.
The negative experiences are to learn from them and moving on, and the challenges we face are an opportunity to stretch ourselves. Negativity will lead us nowhere, but to worries, depression and unhappiness. We need to feed our mind with positive thoughts and make it as a practice on regular basis which will remove all negative energy from mind — Persistence is the mother of Personal Change. It’s our choice to get on it.
Choosing to be positive and having a grateful attitude is the key to life and growth.
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