There is no glory in practice, but without practice there is no glory. Now does practice make perfect?
To practice for perfection, first love what you do and possibilities will come to you naturally.
The more we practice the closer we inch towards perfection. Our greatest glory is not to fall, but to know how to rise every time we fall. Just practice does not make perfect but a perfect practice yields perfection. It’s dedication and enthusiasm that makes a person perfectionist.
A persevering person knows that they are right on the basis of sound reasons and a good approach to the situation while constantly revising their goal as needed to ensure that it is still worthwhile and can continue its efforts to see it succeeds. Loving what we do is key to getting our desired results and it should also be balanced with ability to push hard in constant but better practice approach even when results are not yet coming.
An ounce of great practice is worth more than tons of preaching, practice is a killer of impossibility, We may not see the benefits day to day in working towards our goals, but without that consistent practice we will never achieve them. Implementation is very crucial. Well aligned practicing makes perfect and leads mostly to winning.
The Overwhelming Impact of Saying a Necessary No Effectively
The majority of people never start because they don’t want to be seen at the bottom as a beginner. You certainly cannot expect to succeed at anything unless you’re willing to invest time and effort. It tasks practice, consistently
“Passion gives you the motivation to keep trying, even if you fail time after time.”
— David A. Hunter
There’s a lot that practice and never giving up can do, nothing great happens without putting in the blood, sweat and tears. Aristotle rightly asserted that We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit. The only glory hence is in practice getting better and bringing that sense of fulfillment poca a poco (bit by bit)
In his book, Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell suggests that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become expert at something. But the truth is there’s actually no numerical value to practice. You’ve to just keep doing it with enthusiasm and dedication. you can achieve more in life by falling and rising unto perfection. Attitude is everything, a never-give-up attitude generates a wonderful result. Practice Consciously, that too with utmost focus and you can master any skill.
I will leave you with this quote.
“Practice yourself, for heaven’s sake in little things, and then proceed to greater.”
– Epitectus
Now you know, conscious practice makes perfect!!
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