Discussing the Proper Toilet Sitting Position.
After dealing with hemorrhoid, I deemed it necessary to write about what is a good and proper sitting position.
Sitting on the toilet backwards may not be the best toilet behavior, in this work, I will share a video on how squatting even in WC is the best practice but not advisable to sit on the toilet too long.
Proper Toilet Sitting Behavior And Squatting health Benefits
Sharing those little details we are usually unaware of. Humans have been squatting for many thousands of years before that. In the Indian subcontinent, it is called as Indian style or Desi style – in this part of the world, two types of Toilets are used; One Desi Indian system which is basically squatting form and the other is known as Western Style. But Desi Indian system is still predominant and widely used and practiced.
Wondering if this is why little children relieve themselves faster when still using the potty but takes longer when transitioned to the adult WC. From this video, it’s apparent the potty gave them a better positioning. Perhaps, dogs have been pooping right the whole time and most humans have been the ones doing it wrong. So much for being the “higher animal”
These practices are being given up on the pretext of being less modern, adopting more west-centric design homes, and just for the sheer impatience and practice of sitting and using your knees during nature’s call.
Open defecation is terrible . It’s very harmful to human health due to fecal contamination of the environment, poor hygiene practices and the spread of diseases among residents of a community. It’s also one of the lead causes of child mortality. One of the key objectives of the UNICEF WASH Project is to put an end to OD and promote a safer environment for our children. We need more ODF(Open Defecation Free) communities.
Indians have been following this for thousands of years and the benefits are evident in lowest rates of bowel cancers in the world in India. The Indian toilets have been designed for squatting traditionally and the food habits are exactly what is mentioned here.
The Most Important thing is that all we need to live a good life, But we constantly embrace technology to replace all this thereby creating problems for ourselves.
Before you leave
As you pursue your dreams in life, your world may sometimes seem to be falling apart. So go right ahead… feel free… take long, prayerful walks… seek wise counsel… cry if you need to… But whatever you do, just never give up on your dreams. You see, dreams demand sacrifice.
The bigger the dream, the bigger the sacrifice; and if everything that you have ever dreamt of has come to pass without much effort or sacrifice, then it is time to start challenging yourself to bigger dreams. Has any war ever been won without a battle? Has any soldier of great merit ever left the battle field without a scar?
Has a Medal of Honor ever been handed to a veteran with no stories of pain and sacrifice? The bitter taste of sacrifice and effort may linger for a moment – endure it; for sweet is the reward to those who endure till the end.
Now you know that squatting position helps you if you have constipation, helps straighten and open your rectum wider plus easier bowel movement and help you defecate in just less than a minute.
Straining a lot during defecation may lead to hemorrhoids in some cases even.