Grooming the Character of Pursuing Legacy Over Short Term Cash

Grooming the Character of Pursuing Legacy Over Short Term Cash

The Character of Pursuing Legacy Over Short Term Cash

Definition of reputation (merriam webmaster)
1a : overall quality or character as seen or judged by people in general
b : recognition by other people of some characteristic or ability
has the reputation of being clever
2 : a place in public esteem or regard : good name”

Definition of currency
1a : circulation as a medium of exchange
b : general use, acceptance, or prevalence
a story gaining currency
c : the quality or state of being current :”
It seems “ULTIMATE” may be description needed as “REPUTATION”

Long term legacy over short term dollars all day

Dollars are needed to help fuel the business of life, but they should not be the end goal. There’s so much money out there you can keep chasing and chasing more of it and always be on the hamster wheel. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a bunch of money, but there is more to life than money. Even for entrepreneurs. A purpose filled life is an amazing life. We are human beings. A great reputation is a high honor, but there’s still more to life than both money and reputation. Happiness and contentment beat both money and reputation any day of the week and this is breed by the legacy you build.

Ethical reputation is the ultimate currency. NO SHORTCUTS. Do the right thing, always. Integrity before reputation. or if you do choose the short cut then accept the consequences and don’t make excuses. And it´s not exchangeable. It belongs only to you so beware of how do you deal with the inconsistency around you when it appears.

In naval aviation, they say: ” you are only as good as your next pass“, a pass being an attempt to land at 140mph on the pitching deck of an aircraft carrier. You have to remain consistent to build and maintain your credibility ! Fly safe and BRIEF – B.BRIEF – D.BRIEF

Yes it takes 25 years to build a great one and 5 minutes to ruin it. When you look at it like that you may have a different outlook. – Warren Buffet

Pursuing Legacy

It’s scary how many people would rather take the short term dollar over reputation and legacy. Reputation can become tarnished in an instant, but no one can rob you of your character.

Make mistakes. Lots of them, if your don’t, then you’re not trying. Don’t be afraid to misunderstood. Fortune favors the bold and we remember the best. Take care of your people and they will take care of you

Focus on who you want to be and the impact you want to make.  Stay true to this and be the best version of you that you can be every single day.  This creates a genuine authenticity that people are attracted to.

That’s one of the greatest investments a man can ever make. Then, living out these values day-in-day-out and teaching and instilling them into our children will bring strong, lasting and rich provision, joy, happiness, great relationships and unceasing smile coming straight from the very core of us.

The best way to grow our reputation is to have our inner thoughts match our external actions. Don’t commit to anything you don’t want to do and follow through on all commitments. Regardless, if they love you, they’ll appreciate your reliability

Trust is difficult to gain and easy to lose. So reputations need to be guarded wisely. In the social media age, it’s easy to want instant gratification, but it’s still relationship-building in the end, and that takes time and energy, but has significant ROI potential.

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