Believe in Dying Minute Miracles? Here’s a Guide Before You Quit

Do You Believe in Dying Minute Miracles? See How It Often Happens

Have you noticed? The moment you are ready to QUIT is usually the moment right before the miracle happens. we often refer to it as dying minute miracles

Anyone who has achieved a goal or two can attest to the words “Dying Minute Miracles”. We know it reaches darkest right before day break. So as long as we are able to hang on for just a few more minutes, hours, days…. the treasure will surely be found. Unfortunately we don’t realize because we face many struggles and we think it’s not gonna happen until we quit

Isn’t last minute miracles in the bible alone? It happens on several occasions when especially people are repeatedly repeating a process over and over again and it now feels like forever. The tendency of giving up at such times then pops up in mind more than should be usual. But at the thought of coming that far, keeping it till the last stroke should always be a reminder to keep up.

A lot of people quit right before the miracle would happen. Each one of us is different from others. No one is like you and that is your real strength. You have a monopoly, avail it, believe in yourself, whatever you can imagine is possible. “Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you’ll see them all around you – Jon Bon Jovi.

Success lies behind the next bend in the road, and it is not given to me to know how many steps I must take, so I will always take another! – Og Mandino

Esther Gross shared this story through a LinkedIn comment. Please read

When I was a little child, I feared my shadow, exceedingly. My father noticed it and said, ”can I tell you a story, perhaps?”

“When I was about 14-years-old, I learned in the Pupa Yeshiva in Hungary by the saintly “VeYaged Yaakov”. One day, I noticed that my friend who was always chirpy seemed distressed.”

“I thought it was just something that would boil over. It didn’t. So, while we were walking home from Yeshiva – I asked him to tell me exactly what was happening!”

“My friend said he simply has a tremendous fear of dying – he just cannot continue living this way!”
“I advised him to speak to our Rebbe – and to tell him exactly what troubled him.”

“He went to speak to the Rebbe and the Rebbe told him, “you are worried you are going to die? I have good news for you, you will die… but, no, no, no – not yet – you have a lot to accomplish in this world.

Keep Pushing, Even God Himself Never Promised It Would Be Easy

When one lives in fear, one dies many a time, daily!  My father and his friend survived the Holocaust , married in the DP Camps and merited longevity. story ends

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Whoever holds his/her breath longer wins, believe in dying minute miracles or not,  some people interpret quitting as a sign of weakness and at times they may be right as quitting can manifest a lack of self confidence, lack of determination, overindulgence to one’s own failures but we have to be very clear that if after quitting there is a miracle that is not the right interpretation.

Quitting can also be the result of a great opening to what is. The ceasing of resistance to life. Most of the times we believe that we are tough when we push hard, but in fact that push may be triggered by fear. Fear of not being worth it, of being weak, of being vulnerable. Here’s a secret, we are all vulnerable.

The tough and the weak may be simply exposing an opposite approach to fear. Some run others hide. Quitting to resist to what is, it does not mean not wanting to push, it means that the push is free from fear. “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” ​- Earl Nightingale

Often times, things happen after we’ve reached rock-bottom.  Hence, some give up, while others proceed to stand, reflect, and keep on pushing. “Patience, Persistence and Perseverance” are key elements in the Book of Miracles. Nothing is permanent at this moment, even what you think, only positive vibes works better than yesterday.

We keep pushing till we breakthrough at the other side. And this doesn’t mean death. It means our after we after we’ve reached our goal. Every moment is one moment closer to the probable miracle of success. But, the miracle of knowing the remaining distance between you and the probable miracle is not a probable one. The right opportunity is worth waiting, we must persevere through the storms and challenges of life.

Do not forget that your 5 biggest assets are: Your mindset, Your attitude, Your integrity, Your passion, and Your loyalty

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