More Reasons To Be Grateful To People Who Don’t Give Up On You

Being Grateful To People Who Don't Give Up On You

Being Grateful To People Who Do and Don’t Give Up On You

‘People who never give up on you’ are the embodiment of Love.

They are ;
All Inspiring

Always there when you need them no what what the circumstances are. Just hold that person tight and never let them go. They are the most important ones in our lives. And doesn’t matter if they are family, friends and co-workers. People that don’t give up on you are very special

Those kinds of friends are hard to find. Friends who love you for your own sake, not for theirs. Friends who are not looking to merely get from you, but seek ways to give, or add value to you. Friends who are willing to stab you in the front, because sometimes the truth we need to hear hurts, but “faithful are the wounds of a friend” (Proverbs 27:6).

  • – Never forget people who didn’t give up on you because they were/are pillars of what you are today in all Positive Sense.
  • – People who loved you, trusted you, helped you are the people who wished hard for your success.
  • – Neither forget those who played a Critic’s role in your life, they were/are the most helpful hands to your success.
  • – Remember all Positives happened to you; however, erase all Negatives that someone did to you as it works as a Poison in your current life.
  • – Love them back who loved/love you by heart and soul and were completely in Surrender for your love.
  • – Forget Negatives/Hatred/Blocks/, Remember Positives/Love/Friendship/Care/Surrender/. Go with the flow of Faith/Trust/Love and it will lead you to new heights of Success.

Healthy relationships with friends, family and partners(if in a relationship), are the key foundation of a healthy mind. We are tribe/group animals. The environment created for us allows us to be alone and survive if we wanted to, but unfortunately, our minds, then health decline in a lonely state.

The world is too small to disrespect people. You just never know what the next chapter of your life may bring or whom you may need. Stay Humble and always remember. ‘ You just never know

People who have people that don’t give up on them are so lucky; Hope they thank God every day because without them you would not be who you are today! Don’t forget to also thank them for always standing by you no matter what. Most people are not that lucky because some times family is not always there for you! Be very thankful

You really get to know who people really are when having your darkest days. People who claim to be friends say things like “I’m here for you” but their actions would not match their words, but you have others who are solid and are a beacon of light and unquestionably there for you and for the long haul.

“To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.” – Johannes Gaertner

Yes. Gratitude promotes optimism and helps us to develop a more positive outlook. You can even be grateful for those who leave you – then you know they weren’t worth your time and you can fill that with more positive ones. Be grateful.

Be grateful for people who DO give up on you because the truth is no matter where you are in life, you’re not a finished product. You’re constantly evolving towards a higher, better expression of yourself.

Between the People Always Around You and the People There For You

Gratefulness allows you to appreciate relationships in your life that in turn will attract like-minded people. If grateful is the common denominator, then you know that your relationships serve you, and that you serve them

Be the person who doesn’t give up on others and others won’t give up on you. Give them your strength when the need it and it will come round when you require it.

“Let us seek friends that will stir us up about our prayers, our Bible reading, our use of time, our souls, and our salvation.” -J.C. Ryle. We ought to seek to be THAT kind of friend.

Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.” “Giving is an expression of gratitude for our blessings.” “Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.” “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.

Never lose your enthusiasm for life, because the main function of tomorrow is always to provide us with another starting point. Be thankful for what you have and whom you have.. It’s energizing to be around people who help you/ support you/ listen to you/ believe you/ /love you/ trust you/ who are there for you in all your ups and downs, be always grateful and appreciable to them , this is the finest gift from our side to them.

Also, be grateful to people who walk out on you, because now you can focus on relationships that are meant to last. Cut off the bad roots, so that your tree can grow strong. Most importantly, show gratitude to self, because you keep trying not to give up on own-self every time you’re down. People could get tired of people. Such is life sometimes, always find time to take care of your mind, body and soul.


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