Post interview recruiter ghosting is the RULE, not an exception. If you’ve followed up and haven’t heard anything after a week, the truth is ‘‘you didn’t get the job”.
Not seeing results? Feel like giving up?
Consider this!!! – The last thing that grows on a tree is the fruit.
Wake up every morning with a plan.
So, what’s your plan for today? If none, then get up, get dressed and take a walk. Something will definitely come to you. Take it from there.
Unfortunately, these stories reoccur often. Over 35% of job seekers say they were rejected from a gig by never actually getting any feedback at all.
Recruiter ghosting today is a true reality, sad but true. Recruiters do not realize that they could be on the other side of the chair in the nearest future, and could be ignored by another recruiter. But as an expert posted, recently, if you had a job interview, don’t stop, don’t wait, continue in your job seeking, looking for your next challenge. Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket! Keep applying, interviewing, etc. until you get an offer.
In life, you have got to keep keeping on. Yesterday is history, today is your story, and tomorrow is open to change. Never forget, your tomorrow is dependent on what you do today. If you don’t do anything that can add value today, do not expect tomorrow to change. Growth is not magic. It is a revealed means of process and principles.
Simple Tips on Successfully Having a Phone Interview
There is a matter of choice involved in a better tomorrow if one follows spiritual thinking that is considered narrow minded.
“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” Matt.7:13-14
Steps to Take when Ghosted by a Potential Employer
1. Don’t take it personally! (I know it’s hard not to, but you have no idea what’s happening)
Whatever the issue – the negative thoughts only make the situation more solidified. If you work hard to have the right mindset, this is the story you will tell when you overcome it. You will be able to put all that negative energy into good planning. Maybe they did just blow you off, but getting bitter about it won’t serve you! Move onto the next.
2. Make sure you have taken reasonable actions to follow up.
If you haven’t gotten interviewed yet, use LinkedIn and any networking means to find out who the hiring manager is and contact that person via email, phone, or direct message. If you have, you know their contact info.
3. Remember, if they didn’t select you, it’s “their” loss.
4. Leave accurate, anonymous, critical feedback about your candidate experience on their company page of Glassdoor.com and Indeed.com or anywhere available to enlighten hopefuls.
Above all – be classy! Treat them the way you would want to be treated if you made a mistake. Be factual and don’t write angry. After enough negative feedback on their public review page, they may improve the candidate experience.
Keep your head up, Get up, Dress up, and Show up, No Matter What!! Persistence wins the day!
No matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. Just because something isn’t happening for you right now. Doesn’t mean that it never will. You never know what’s just around the corner.
Be Motivated – Life is Hard but We have to Stop Running
There is life around every bend, and every detour. What will you do with each opportunity? Get outside and go meet people, not every cafe demands you purchase something. Start a conversation, see where it leads.
Enjoy your day! Listen to some birds, they have beautiful songs, anything to change the hope inside of you. Make this day and each day a great day of progress. It’s just a candidate experience.
Nice one
Nice ???