Self Hack Approach to Win People’s Respect and Loyalty

Self Hack Approach to Wins People's Respect and Loyalty

What Wins People Respect?

Positive attitude towards life has simply been the singular self role to earning attention, respect and loyalty. It’s the easy trick that wins people’s respect 100%. Living positively is the reason to say yes to yourself. ”Yes” is a powerful statement. It means, “I am,” “I can,” and “I will.” We greet opportunities with this positivity, treat others as if they were what they should be, and help them become the better of what they should be. But if we continue to treat people merely as they are, then they will remain as they are in our eyes only.


The Idea of Seeking Attention

Those who desperately seek attention lose respect, and those who seek respect gain attention but respect too should be earned. Earn it and earn it well. Attention can be had at any given time and can be forgotten at any given time as well.

If we hold ourselves accountable for what we put out into this world and not for what the world does with it, isn’t it healthier? Respect and loyalty may never come from some people, but we should see that as a reflection of their character and not ours. Easy things do not help us improve. Real growth is hidden in struggles that take us out of our comfort zone and make us become the best version of ourselves.

Hierarchically, respect and loyalty should be a two-way street (like communication). The person at the top ought to show both respect and loyalty to the person at the bottom, before the person at the bottom shows respect and loyalty back to him/her.

Sometimes, folks resort to sarcasm when they are being ignored or worse, shoved aside and their ideas demeaned and even stolen so someone else takes the credit. Sometimes, the toxic person isn’t who everyone thinks it is. Many of the truly toxic folks create environments of fear because they ostracize people with good ideas. They use words like “I am open-minded” then take adverse actions against a person who has a different belief.

Self Approach to Earning Attention, Respect and Loyalty

You cannot request respect or loyalty, you cannot seek it because it must be given. Here goes an old, “You become what you fight against, and that which you seek is always elusive, because we are creatures of responsibility which is the ability to respond.” Attempting to take control, gain respect, make people loyal, and get attention will result in an atmosphere of stress, fear, resentment, and eventually you lose people, and then you will claim its everyone else’s fault because “they” weren’t loyal and didn’t respect you.

Truth and integrity matter, never ever give up on what you know is the right thing to do. We need to figure out who we truly are and who we truly want to be, respect and loyalty are two things earned unconsciously when we tend to be true to ourselves and trust is the bridge that leads us to respect and loyalty.

However, life’s mirror paints the inverse because people become loyal when they feel you respect them, and they respect you when they see you act with competence on their behalf. It’s not a quid pro quo, nor is it “you get what you give.” However it is much more like “measure for measure”, that is, “with the measure you use, that’s the measure with which you are valued and respected.”

Most people play their roles, without realizing what actually makes them happy because they don’t actually know or respect themselves enough or be at a level where they are really true to the essence of their being. Most want attention, and not function, substance or even discipline (learning) not punishment.

Being True to Self

When you work for others, show your respect towards work. That’s what make you truly special. Attention is very fleeting and self-gratifying. But loyalty and respect are enduring and fulfilling. Grow for your dreams not by the chance given by others. When you live your own life with these values, people will respond to you with respect and loyalty.

Say yes and mean yes. Saying yes to the big things in life (think career, moves, and relationships!) takes bravery – but with a confident mindset and a desire to grow and learn, our decisions become shaping forces that transform our mere existence into our fullest life. Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the things you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails, respect others and give what you expect.

Leaders must influence others in order to achieve their goals. They must also gain the respect of their followers. Truly loyal employees will not always show great obedience to every decision.

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